Questions and Keys

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Eugene held back from groaning into his hand, they had been going around in circles for hours.

"Well, I guess all there is left now is to decide if we officially note this down as a fault or non-fault dissolvement of the marriage." Fredrick said from across the table.

Eugene perked up. Sitting up straighter. Were they actually almost done?

"Well, obviously Rapunzel is at no fault." He said with a gracious smile across the table at his hopefully soon to be ex-fiancée.

"Okay, so are you saying there was no fault?" Fredrick asked.


"So, we can find no fault at all in your behaviour?"

"Uh..." Eugene hesitated he didn't know exactly what he was being asked.

"You've remained pure and faithful?" Fredrick prompted.

"Oh, that. No."

"Well then there is a fault."

"Okay. I'll take all the fault that's fine."

"But then if you truly didn't know, how can you be at fault for not being faithful to your fiancée if you don't know you had a fiancée?"

"Okay. No fault." Eugene agreed. "Is that done then?"

"Ah, we'll have to find the original engagement agreement because it covered what to do in the case of a no fault dissolvement in section 43." Fredrick said.

"Okay, well let's just go with fault then because that easier. I'm at fault, I seduced numerous barmaids, now let's sign the paperwork."

"Ah, well in the case of a fault dissolvement we need to look at section 44... and then for barmaids I think that's subsection c... or is it further along? I don't know, barmaids are quite the common reason."

"Well..." Eugene took a deep breathe to try and filter the frustration from his voice. "What do we do now?"

"Just go and fetch the original agreement so we can check." Fredrick suggested.

"I don't have it."

"Oh..." Fredrick frowned and stood up. "Okay then."

"Okay then, we're done? We're no longer engaged?"

"Oh no. You are still engaged; we're just going to take a break until you find the original agreement so we can double check we are doing things correctly."

Eugene gritted his teeth.

"Fine." He answered with a forced smile.


Cassandra bent low looking at the thorny bush next to the cliff edge, it had delicate little blue flowers budding, but no where near big enough to pick to make a decent bunch.

"No, get away from the cliff!" She turned to see Varian running towards her. She took a few steps back from the edge, surprised and a little annoyed by him shouting at her. What did it matter if she was looking over the cliff? It was stable ground, but then something dawned on her and she looked at the edge of the rocks where the land disappeared into the sky.

"This is where your mother died." She said quietly, turning her head to the doubled over and panting Varian. He paused, looking up at her. The sudden look on his face, the seriousness, the distance in his eyes answered the question for her.

"I'm sorry." She said.

Varian nodded standing up, still looking at the cliff edge.

"How did she fall?" Cassandra asked looking at the rocks, they looked so stable, she couldn't see where the rock fall could have happened, something just didn't seem right.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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