Ej: Have you bought your ticket yet?

Gina: Not yet, wanted to talk to you first. I mean was I going to go regardless, but it's still worth talking to you about it of course.

Ej: Well looks like we can buy our tickets together and hopefully leave on the same day too. I still don't want to leave you alone, even for a day.

Gina: Awwww you're so cute when you're protective.

Ej: I try I try *they laugh*.

Gina: My mom told me she wants me to leave on Monday, what did you dad tell you?

Ej: He said we leave on a Monday as well so it seems like everything lines up perfectly. Let's go buy our tickets and pack our things, let's hope we don't get sidetracked.

Gina: Teens are born to get sidetracked but we got this, we always do.

They finish eating and then they decided to clean up the kitchen. Pancakes were great but the making process was very messy which was okay because they liked doing things together even if they were not fun to other people. After they got done cleaning they went to their separate rooms to start packing but they left their doors open so they could shout to each other when needed and so they could both enjoy Gina's banger playlist. While they were packing, it ended up turning into a little fashion show because Gina kept finding old clothes she hadn't worn in awhile and started modeling them for Ej. Of course he was the best hype man ever but by doing this, it made the process longer but it was worth it. They always enjoy these small moments together. After awhile they were done, all that was left was to pack their necessities which will happen the day they actually leave. Now they have the rest of their weekend to relax to themselves and enjoy their company because for the next week, they will be apart for the first time.


It's 5am and they both needed to get ready for their flights, Ej was the first to wake up so he went into Gina's room to wake her up. He always knows the best way to do it. He gets down on his knees to get on her level and kisses her forehead, then cheeks, then lastly her lips. He was about to pull away but he felt Gina's arms wrap around his neck and that was when he knew he had her hooked. He pulls away and then looked at her.

Gina: I'm going to miss being woken up like that *she whines*.

Ej: I'm going to miss doing that, believe me.

Gina: Okay well let's get ready, don't want to leave your dad waiting on us cause we're late.

Ej: Got that right, this is still a business trip for me at least *they laugh*.

Ej leaves Gina's room and they start to get ready. The first day will be very chill for her since she would just be spending time with her mom but Ej on the other hand had to dress nice since he would still be meeting his father's business colleagues. Since she didn't want to feel left out, she picked out something nice but comfortable so she didn't look like a total bum standing next to the Caswell boys. They packed up the rest of their things and headed out the door, they had no time to waste. Their ride was already there and since it was still early in the morning, no talking happened which was fine with all of them.

At The Airport

Gina's flight leaves a bit early compared to Ej's so it will sadly be Ej having to watch her leave and he doesn't think he's ready for that.

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