I sped up, aiming for the gates.

The guards looked at me, half surprised.

I should've guessed they'd expect it. If the gates got hacked, I'd be the first person they'd suspect.

I stopped the bike a good distance away from the gates.
"I don't have time. Open the gates." I yelled.

"The Capo's orders. We can't let you leave." One of them said.

"Why don't you go inside and see what Oliver is upto? My orders. Take two more men with you. Now open the gates." I ordered, in my 'Elonzo' tone.

They didn't.

Three of them did move inside but didn't open the gates.

"Have it your way then." I said, starting the bike again and speeding towards the gate.

They panicked before lunging for the gates and opening them just as I was about to collide with it.

I sighed in relief. That was scary.

I sped towards the place Elonzo and my brothers were going to.

They must be on their way. The sun had just set some minutes ago. They planned on leaving the headquarters when the sun set.

It felt so good. This wasn't the normal speeding that I'd done so often after moving in with my dad and brothers. This was racing. Like I was in an actually Bike race. What I got in trouble for so many times was nothing compared to this and I loved it.

About five minutes later, I could spot the black cars. I reduced the speed just a little, to stop without a drift. Elonzo will have a heart attack, if I suddenly drifted before his car.

That'd be fun.

But they spotted me too I guess, because the speeding cars came to a halt. I had to stop sooner. So I turned the bike sideways while stopping, doing a big drift.

Stopping just beside the first car.

Just my luck, my eldest trucking brother got out at the speed of light and slammed the door. He slammed it so loud that I jumped.

"You better have an explanation for what you're doing here before I kill you with my bare hands, Evelina Romano." He said, almost yelling after he slammed the door and speed walked towards me.

I panicked and jumped off the bike, staggering away from him.

God was he angry.

He broke his own record.

"Hear me out first." I said, my hands flying to my ears.

He clenched his jaw and released a sigh. An angry one.

The glare on his face just intensified, making me look away.

"Start talking." He gritted, taking a step towards me threateningly when I took too long to talk.

"That's the wrong location you're going to. That's a trap. That's where they will try to kill all of you while the two men Bianchi sent will kidnap me from home and take me to the opposite side, where Zack is." I rushed out.

His glare dropped.
"Someone did sneak in?" He asked, before his glare returned, not directed at me this time.

See? Glare. Emotionless. Glare. Emotionless. On-off switch.

"Are you sure?" Dad asked, appearing out of nowhere.

Well. I was too busy getting scared to notice all of them there. Dad, Grandpa, Marco, Leo and the other three eldest oldies. The younger ones are handling other safer stuff.

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