Subconcious vs concious mind

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Cat noir's POV-
This can't be happening. This CANT be happening! It is happening.. I LET this happen to her!

"Cat noir, what is going on here?" Ladybug yells. I jump at the sudden voice.

"When did you get here?" I asked. She slapped her hand onto her forehead.

"Just now, now what is happening?" She said, annoyed.

"Leova just got akumatized.." I said, feeling the panic rise. Ladybug gave a short laugh, and I whipped around to face her.

"Why are you laughing?" I said, wanting to scream.

"Because, kitty cat, I am not surprised. I knew Leova wouldn't be able to handle being a superhero, and this is proof!" She said, sounding happy. That enraged me.

"Leova is a GREAT superhero. But you, ladybug, have not been acting so heroic lately. I see how you treat Leova. Do you want to tell me what your problem is?" I snapped. Ladybug's smug face turned cross.

"Fine, you really want to know? Fine, I'm jealous! I am jealous because you like her and not me!" Ladybug yelled.

"That's not fair! I loved you for a long, long time." I yelled back. I saw her face turn sad.

"Loved? As in, past tense?"


Ladybug began to sob and turned away to run, but I grabbed her arm softly.

"Ladybug, what is going on? You rejected me so many times, why are you getting so upset?" I asked softly.

"Because I only rejected you because I was scared. Scared I would tell you my identity if you knew I loved you. Scared I would ruin everything." She said, tears streaming down her face. My heart ached for her, but not because I loved her. Because I felt sorry for her. Suddenly, ladybug kissed me.


after I got a grip and realized what was going on, I pulled away quickly.

"Ladybug, I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way."

Coer confus's POV-

All I saw was them kissing. Then I turned and left. I will never know if he pulled away or if he didn't, but it doesn't matter now.

He didn't come save me, he talked to ladybug. Then let her kiss him.

I cried out in sorrow, for I was really falling for this boy.

"Hawk moth take my powers! I don't want a boyfriend at all." I wailed.

"We had a deal, coer confus." Hawk moth's dark voice responded.

"I never used my powers. I don't owe you anything!" I yelled. Hawk moth sent a searing pain into my head.

"Do as I say. You are powerful, you could prove to be very useful to me." He snarled. Tears streamed down my face, and began dropping quicker every minute.

"Please. I don't want to feel pain anymore." I whispered.

"I am helping you with that, my dear. Just listen to me and do as I say, or I will cause much more pain. Are we clear?" Hawk moth growled. I sighed, knowing I had no choice.

"Yes hawk moth."

Ladybug's POV-

I don't know wether to feel stupid or heartbroken.

I feel stupid because, why should I expect Cat Noir to always love me after I reject him time after time? Call it wishful thinking.

I feel heartbroken because I fell for him, and convinced myself he would never fall for another. But he did.

He fell for her.

And so I will save her, if it is the lady thing I do. If he cares about her so much, I will get her back to him, no matter how much I'll hate it.

But now I have to find her.

Coer confus's POV-

There she is. All alone too.

I spotted ladybug and jumped behind her. She whirled around.

"I knew you would show up sooner or later." She said calmly. I smiled wickedly.

"Nice going little bug. Your all alone without your kitty cat to keep you safe. I guess that kiss didn't ensure your safety after all." I said, grinning. She frowned.

"Actually he pulled away. He said he didn't like me. Because he likes you." She said, frowning at the ground.

At this, my mind was at war. My conscious mind that I was in control of wanted to stop to his madness, especially now that I knew he liked me. My subconscious that I was not in control of (the akumatized mind) wanted to slice ladybug in half.

"Don't stop to think, coer confus. DESTROY HER." Hawk moth screamed in my ear. I fell to the ground clutching my head in pain. Ladybug ran over to my side. I used this opportunity to push her aside roughly.

My subconscious had won.

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