His favorite person

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"Ok. Anyway, cat noir you distract the villain and me and.. Leova will go and defeat them." Ladybug said, making an effort not to look at me.

"Are you sure? It seems like I'm getting off easy-" cat noir started to say.

"Yes. Now go do your job." She snapped. Cat noir looked taken aback. I didn't know if I should stand up for him.. but I figured it was none of my business.

Ladybug and I ran over to one side of the villain while cat noir distracted it on the other side. Ladybug took my arm and pulled me into an alley.

"Okay, what's the plan?" I asked.

"Ok listen here leova." She said. When she said my name, it was mocking and rude. I was taken aback.

"Oh don't look so shocked that I don't like you! You can't really think that everybody is going to like you, now can you?" She snarled.

"B-but you don't even know me.." I started to say, trailing off. So this was Paris's superhero?

"I know you well enough to know that I don't like you. Here's what I want, ok? I want you to be mean to cat noir so that he stops flirting with you." Ladybug said.

"I'm not going to be mean to him! And besides we aren't flirting." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up. Ladybug scoffed.

"Just do what I said. And if you don't-" she started to say before I cut her off.

"Wait a second. Do you mean to tell me
That cat noir is RISKING himself to the villain right now just so you can express your jealousy? Huh. No wonder he isn't flirting with you." I said, running out of the alley to go save his tail. I didn't even have to look back at ladybug; I could imagine her facial expression.

"CHAT!!" I yelled. If something had happened to him..

I finally found him, limping just a little.

"Chat! Are you okay? I thought it was really hard for you guys to get really hurt! Why are you limping?"
I asked frantically. Chat leaned on me to rest his leg.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. This villain is just tough, and Ladybug seems to be.. distracted today." Chat said.

I though about telling him what she had said to me, but decided that now was not the time to give him something else to worry about.

"Okay. Let's deal with this villain then see what we can do for you, yeah?" I said, looking down at him. His head was resting on my shoulder. He looked up at me and into my eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah okay." He said.

We both plunged into action, ladybug nowhere to be seen. Then all of a sudden, she shows up again, and frees the akuma.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" She says. Then she flounces over to me and Cat noir.

"Hey guys! Thanks for the help, but I can't help but feel like there is a problem here.." Ladybug says, trailing off.

"And what would that be?" Cat noir asked.

"Leova, you didn't seem to.. help that much. No offense, but if I'm going to give you a miraculous, you should actually help. "

Before me or cat noir could say anything, she swung away on her yo-yo. I looked over at him, wide-eyed.

"Did I really do that bad on my first run?" I asked, starting to worry.

"No, no you didn't. I just think that Ladybug has a problem with you for some reason." He said, wincing at his own words.

"That's so much better." I said, laughing. He joined in the laughter, and we both headed back to my house and went into my room.

"Oh! I guess I should give you this." I said, detransforming. I started handing my miraculous to him when he hesitated and pushed my hand back to me.

"Keep it. You make a great addition to our team." He said, beaming.

"I don't know.. if Ladybugs doesn't approve then that's just another thing she has against me." I said. Cat noir titled his head slightly, looking me dead in my eyes.

"You should stop worrying about what other people think of you. Your an insanely cool girl." He said, smiling. I felt my cheeks heat up, which caused him to chuckle.

"No, really. Take it. I trust you to come get me when I'm needed." I said. Cat noir smiled an nodded.

"You know, cat noir, since you know my identity, you should tell me yours!" I said, giving him my sweetest face. His face looked like he was actually considering it, before his eyes gave his feelings away.

"Y/n I wish I could. It would be amazing to not be the only one who knows I'm cat noir. But m'lady said that we shouldn't tell our identities." He said, wincing slightly when he said her nickname. I nodded.

"So you guys are close huh? I mean since you have nicknames for each other?" I asked. I wasn't really sure what I was expecting him to say to me in that moment.

"Yeah. I mean, I thought we were. But now that I think about it, it doesn't seem like it anymore. She's been cold, far away. And she seems totally torn up because of you." Cat noir said, realizing what he had said. I nodded, trying to hide the hurt i felt.

"Sorry. That didn't come out the right way." He said. I shook my head.

"No, no it's okay. I only just met you today. I don't expect to be your favorite person." I said. We both laughed awkwardly.

This just got a lot more complicated.

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