Coer confus

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As I sat down in my seat the next day, I noticed marrinette glaring at me.
Why am I making everyone mad lately?

Marrinettes POV-
That was her. Leova.
The only reason I knew her identity was because of the first day I met her, since I had to fetch her and cat noir, who were too busy flirting. Ugh.

Your POV-
Adrien came in, and hesitated at his seat. He then headed up two rows to sit by you.
Marrinette's eyes followed him, her mouth dropping open.

"Hey Adrien! Why aren't you sitting by Nino?" I asked. He rubbed his neck nervously.

"Oh.. I just wanted to sit by you today. The teacher probably won't mind." He said, winking. We talked until Mrs. Mendeleive walked in and loudly clapped her hands.

"Okay class, before we begin, I have an announcement. A school dance is going to be held on Friday. You are able to ask people to accompany you, if you would like." She finished. Everyone erupted into cheers and chatter.

I should ask cat noir! Do you think he would come? He probably goes to a different store, but still.

Adrien turned to me.

"Uhh y/n?" He asked, sounding nervous. I turned to face him.

"Yeah what's up?"

"Would you want to go to the dance with me?"
He asked, blushing profusely. I froze. I liked Adrien... but something was special about cat noir, and I wasn't giving up on him.

"I'm sorry Adrien, but I was thinking about asking someone else.." I said. His face fell.

"I'm so sorry..." I continued. He waved his hand as if to wave away the problem.

"No worries. Whoever your going to ask is very lucky." He said.


~After school~
Cat noir jumped through my window.
He looked sad.

"Hey cat noir! What's up?" I said brightly, preparing myself to ask him to the dance.

"I got rejected today." I froze. He tried to ask someone else out..

"Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you alright?" I said, putting on a brave face. He nodded.

"You'll make me feel better though." He said, smiling.

We glanced at each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He said. I grinned.

"EIFFLE TOWER RACING!" We both said.

A few minutes later, I skittered to the top of the Eiffel Tower, cat noir trailing behind me.

"I win! Again!" I said, doubling over in laughter. Cat noir groaned.

"Lions are faster than cats! It's your miraculous that makes you faster." He said.

"Right, uh huh. You're just a sore loser." I said, and we both laughed.

I have to still ask him. I like him so much..
No! He asked another girl out today and got rejected, so obviously he's not into you.
But I like him!
But he likes someone else.

The next thing I heard was a deep voice.

"Coer Confus, I am hawk moth. You are so confused over which boy to pick, it's driving you crazy! With my help, you can make everyone hate each other, so nobody will ever have any options! In return you will get me ladybug and cat noirs miraculous. Do we have a deal?" He snarled.

"No! Fight it Leova!" Cat noir screeched, careful not to say my civilian form name.

All of a sudden, everything went dark.

(A.N coer confus means confused heart in French ;)) )

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