Chapter Sixteen

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After almost half an hour, Eliza arrived. Confusion was shown on her face, her eyes had many unanswered questions, she looked tired and sleepy and had black circles under her green eyes as well. I could tell she was anxious. Eliza approached me and determinedly asked;

"What's wrong, Tina?" 

I sighed, looking at the ground for seconds, I could feel her eyes focused on me, though.  

"We need to get out of here." I finally spilled it out.  

"Why?" She asked in disappointment.  

If I told her the real reason, she wouldn't understand. Moreover, it was my fault for not thinking about what her reaction would be like. I had panicked and couldn't think of anything except leaving Derrick.  

"It's not safe anymore." I told Eliza, making up an excuse.  

"What happened?" she asked. That question which I feared and hated to answer. 

I silenced for seconds, my mind was too crowded and tired to think of any other excuses.  

"Nothing--I just don't feel safe here anymore." I claimed, while looking away.  

Her eyes narrowed then she asked me, "What's the real reason behind calling me and telling me that we should leave, Christina?"  

I gave up and told her everything. Told her about Derrick confessing his love for me, him kissing my hand, checking on me at night and whispering 'I love you' in my ears. I told her how uncomfortable I got, how scared as well. She carefully listened while unsatisfied gestures were clearly drawn on her face. I kind of expected that reaction.

"When you called me, I thought we were exposed or they found out our destination. I never expected it would be because you're having romantic issues with the guy." she said in a mean manner. 

"Listen, I'm sorry. But think about it, we can't hide here forever. They will find us sooner or later." I tried to convince her. 

"Christina, do you want us to go back to California? After all that?" she cried at me.  

"Yes, only if you go with me. We can go back, recover then start our lives again!" I replied. 

Her eyes widened and she said, "I can't believe what you're saying! You are the one who planned our escape, you got us here. And after I finally started loving my life again, you want to take that away and make me go back!?" she angrily told me, with the look of disappointment in her eyes.  

"And are you satisfied with being with Ashton when he doesn't know the real reason behind your escape? Does he know you escaped a mental hospital? Does he, Eliza?" I asked her in a mean manner as well.  

She didn't answer, also not looking at me. It took her a minute to reply with; "Ashton loves me." 

"So what, Eliza? Sweetie, I'm telling you this for your own good. I'm not against you and him, but if he knew, he might leave you." I tenderly told her, trying to make up for my previous mean attitude. 

"You don't know him!" she cried at me. She sighed and continued saying; "I'm staying here, Christina."  

It broke my heart that my best friend chose her boyfriend over me. I was too hurt to reply, so all I could mutter was; 

"But, we are in this together.." 

She looked away and said "We were." her eyes met mine and she continued "Sorry, Tina. But my life is better now here. You should stay, too. Derrick loves you, and we'll be together."  

"No. I'm leaving. Take care, Eliza." I instantly and steadily replied then quickly took my bags before she could reply and left.

I headed to the tickets office and told the clerk "I'd like to change my ticket to California to a ticket to New York." 

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