"Me and My Husband..." Part 3

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Title : To Think that We Could Stay the Same

Two Slow Dancers ~ Mitski


TWs : funeral mentions, crying, cursing, grief/anger


Tubbo POV :

     I walked home by myself after Ranboo's funeral, despite how many people were there. Tommy.. Techno.. Phil.. Niki.. and Puffy, and without surprise a few endermen were there too. I wiped my eyes. 

     Everyone told me it wasn't my fault, but maybe it was. I mean... I could have not swong the axe downwards. I could have controlled my knee-jerk reaction. 

     As my thoughts consumed me, I stummbled into a hole, probably from a creeper. I laid there, then started sobbing, curling into myself. 

     I heard a familiar voice, "Are you okay?" The voice was filled with concern, I pushed myself up and looked up out of the creeper hole. 


     But this isn't Ranboo..  This was Ranboo if you took away the black side, took away his emerald green eye, and made him see-through. So I guess its Ghostbur all over again...

     "I'm sorry, did i startle you?," the "Ranboo" said. I wiped my face and grunted, "I'm fine." I picked myself up and started walking away. 

     "What's your name?" I looked over at the ghost who was following me. Yep. Another Ghostbur. "Tubbo.. and let me guess your's, hmmm, Ghostboo or Ranghost or some shit!" He giggled, "Close, Deadboo, or Boo!" I glared at Deadboo, "Awesome, now leave me the fuck alone!" I stormed away from the ghost, 

"To Think that We could Stay the Same..," I muttered.

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