Chapter 5 - Abilities of the Undefined.

Start from the beginning

Maybe I could check the group chat we created? Yeah I'll go do that.

Taking out my phone and opening it's data connection...

It was flooded with messages from the group. There was also a message request from a group named Class-B. I clicked on it for a second to verify myself before switching over to our group.

"They added Hiyori too, huh?" Not that much of a surprise, she can be considered in the group, adding her was a natural.

I scrolled through the messages, nothing really shocking, simple talks and gossips. Kanzaki was chatting from time to time, linking some articles on academic related things.

Ichinose was clearly the one that chatted the most, Followed by Amikura... And surprisingly Hiyori.

"Hmm... Hmm?!" I was surprised at my sudden realization.

If I can somehow confirm that Shiranami has grown to have romantic feelings towards Ichinose, then there would be conflict between her and Hiyori, due to some misunderstanding. I'm not the only one to realize this, right?

I don't want to interfere on girly matters, but things could take a dark turn if I don't... I mean. They could commit Yuri all they want, they only need to make sure no fights or anything.

When girls have issues with each other, it lasts longer than my old grandpa's lifespan. Compared to boys who rather slug out their displeasure against each other and then make up, becoming brothers after the fight, girl conflict usually lasts very long.

"Here's your order young man." The old lady hands me the plate carefully, I took it with greater care on my left hand, making sure it doesn't flip over.

"Thanks!" I turned my confusion and worry to positivity towards that old lady. It didn't seem to do the trick, I'm still very much worried at how this might develop.

I took the closest table in my current position and started eating, scrolling through our messages more. I looked at each profile of every person in the group and clicked on the icon.


It showed me these three options along with the person's biography and profile picture. None of us had bios, on the contrary, everyone had their respective profile pictures.

Kanzaki with the Euler portrait as his profile. Ichinose had a panda picture she likely got from the net. Amikura's profile were the one clicking with me. Her profile was, in a way, perfect.

If you're wondering what profile she had, she picked a :thonking: emote with the empty background.

Shiranami had a chibi girl wearing a hoodie as hers. Hiyori's was... Well... So Hiyori-like.

Her profile was basically her books in a pile, I recognized one of them.

I should get a photo with someone and make it my profile picture.

Taking another spoonful of my Omurice, I saved the numbers they provided to the group in my contact lists. I had to do it with one hand, so I had to take my time.

I easily memorized all of their contacts, each containing 13 digits. It wasn't that difficult to memorize understanding that I only really had to take into account their few remaining numbers. Likely due to the school wanting to keep their students in check, they opted for the same number of every sim card, only making it different in the last few.

Just when I finished typing their numbers and creating their contact profiles.... My meal was already finished. I drank and ate the contents of my miso soup, finishing my meal in a haste.

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