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My Tumblr: boom-boom-gremlin

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My Tumblr: boom-boom-gremlin


Aizawa and you stood in front of the car waiting for Hizashi and Nemuri to quit bickering over who would drive the car tonight. You were assigned to go to Tokyo incognito to finalise a deal. Tired, you used your quirk to grab the keys. "My car, My rules Guys." you said while whistling and starting the car. "But you're younger than us!" Nemuri protested. "We're all going to die today" Aizawa jokes and sighs and sits on the front seat beside you. "Both of you stop fighting. We'll leave you here and complete the commission ourselves." Aizawa said. You subconsciously relaxed your tensed muscles after hearing his deep voice.

Ten minutes into the drive, Hizashi started fighting over whose playlist to play. Aizawa pulled his phone out and played jazz music. All of you groaned in unison. "Why don't we see what our Y/n listens to! I hope there are some love songs!" Nemuri suggested after a while. You hummed and Connected your phone to the car, Starting the playlist. You all hummed along to Heat Waves, while Aizawa tried to look annoyed and pulled out his cat eye mask. "Yo I look so good! Gotta update my followers!" Hizashi pulled out his phone and took a few selfies while Nemuri pulled out snacks and relaxed against his shoulder. You turned the volume down a little.


You had reached the outskirts of Musutafu while Hizashi and Nemuri were snoring away in the backseat. Aizawa and you were awake, sitting in silence, enjoying the sunset. You reached a bridge and pulled over for a break. The both of you stepped out and you took a few pictures of the sunset with your camera. "So, taking photos is one of your hobbies?" Aizawa asked. "No, just taking pictures of things I like " You replied. "Hmm? You can take pictures of me too" Aizawa joked. You laughed along with him and took a picture of him while a love song played in the background. It was getting late and you were getting hungry. "Do you want to stop and wake them up now, Aizawa?" You asked. "Shouta. Call me Shouta. Let's wait for the next city." You had entered another city and got off to eat and freshen up leaving Shouta to wake up the loud duo and follow you. You guys walk into -favourite fast food restaurant- and place your order and sit next to Shouta. " You and Emi should get together! She compliments your personality!", Nemuri says earning a groan from Shouta. Your mood dampens but you try not to show it. Shouta places his hand on top of yours, brushing your knuckles with his thumb while telling Nemuri he finds Emi annoying. Your face heats up and you look away. You troop back to the car when Shouta offers to drive but you decline, telling him to save his energy for the next day.


The trio is asleep while you continue driving while sipping on your coffee/ energy drink occasionally and hum along to the songs on the radio. You are started when you feel something brush against your shoulder. You calm down when you hear Shouta sighing.

"You look tense, to say the least. Do you find me that intimidating?" He questions. "N-No! It's not like that!" You answer, taken aback by the sudden question. "Hmm? Are you sure? You should drop the formalities, You know" Aizawa says in a playful tone. "Yes." you reply while blushing, not able to form more words. Shouta laughs at your response and looks out the window. "Will you listen to me?" He breaks the silence. You hum and he continues talking. "I know I'm blunt and I'm not good with feelings. I come off as harsh and uncaring and I know that. If you're offended by anything I said, you can talk to me about It, You know? It's better than getting ignored by you. Please tell me if I can do anything to make this better."

Your face is red to your ears after his speech. You rub your arm while keeping your eyes on the road. "It's not like that! In fact, It's far from what your thinking! 'm not ignoring you, I thought you found me irritating and that you have a thing with Emi, So I wanted to back off."

"Me finding you Irritating? Never. Besides, I don't know why people think I have a thing going on with Emi, I find her irritating." He turns the music down and sighs while looking out the window. "I shouldn't burden you with this but.... I like you. I know you don't like me and it was wrong of me to initiate something earlier. I understand if you want to spend some time apart after-" Shouta is cut off by your sweet laughter. He stares at you, confused.

"You're an Idiot, Shouta." He blinks at you, disappointed. "I feel the same way, Shouta. You'd never burden me." Shouta sighs in relief, and leans back into his seat, processing the range of emotions he went through in a few seconds. "I never expected you to like someone like me, But I'm so happy that you do." He says, giving an emphasis on so. "So, What do we do now?" You ask him. He takes your small/large cold hand into his and squeezes it lightly, running his thumb over your rings. "Pull over the car?" You pull over and he steps out, signalling you to do the same. He pulls you into a kiss under the moonlit sky and sighs into the kiss. "You don't know how long I've waited to do that sweetheart." Shouta says, his voice as sweet as honey. "Believe me, I've waited longer." You reply, your tone soft in place of the monotone voice Shouta was used to hearing. "I could get used to this." Shouta says, hoping you don't see him blushing. You are interrupted by Nemuri squealing and Hizashi honking the horn.

You blush, wondering how long they were awake. "I'M HAPPY MY FRIENDS GOT TOGETHER, BUT LET'S GET A MOVE ON LOVEBIRDS!" Hizashi yells. Shouta uses his quirk to shut him up while Nemuri giggles in the seat. You and Shouta hurry back to your seats. The trio falls asleep this time, and you continue driving, thinking about Shouta and his confession.


Shouta is the first to wake up and is instantly graced by your beautiful features, which are illuminated by the sunrise. He smiles and puts his hand on your thigh. You gasp and look at him. "Good Morning." You say. "Good Morning to you too, beautiful" you smile and your cheeks are tinted pink. You nod and turn the radio on. You and Shouta hold hands.

Hizashi and Nemuri wake up and wish you good morning. No one talks about yesterday night, and you can tell everyone is thinking about it. You clear your throat and turn the volume higher. You finally reach Tokyo and all of you step out, looking around and then unload the trunk. Hizashi and Nemuri whisper to each other. "Y'know Sho can go freshen up with Y/n while we unload the trunk and get it into the hotel?" Nemuri nods happily and pushes Shouta your way and pushes his hands towards yours. You shyly intertwine hands and walk away with Shouta.

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