Chapter 10

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"Yeps, any minute now"


3rd POV

The sun were about to fall and the moon were about to rise. Indicting saturday was almost over.

1-A sat in the common rooms, talking, laughing and making the best of it. Ever since Recovery Girl had told them Todoroki would turn back soon, neither of the people from 1-A had left his side. Wanting to make the best of it, before he turns back. Wanting to see his innocent smile one last time, they had all gathered in the common rooms couch area. Doing things like board games, T or D and overall just enjoing eachothers company.

Todoroki had been acting rather strange the past hour, but noone seemed to question it. Sometimes he would grab his head and when people asked him about it, he just said he felt dizzy. Some were a bit concerned about him, while others just shrugged it of.

Midoriya POV

I were getting kinda worried for Todoroki, he keeps grabbing his head and zoning out when we ask him something. It really doesnt seem like him at all. He keeps saying that he's just a little dizzy, but this have been going on for more then an hour now and it hasnt seem to die down at all.

Some said that it could be because the quirks effects were about to die down, i really hope thats true. It would be nice to have my friend back at his fullest. Not that i dont like little Todoroki! i just really miss our time together.


We had been playing board games for a while now, but Todoroki still doesnt seem like himself or more like his kid self. After what i know, it hasnt died down at all but gotten worse. At some point, he began to cry while saying things like 'My head hurts, make it stop please'. Of couse i didnt know what to do, Iida got him some painkillers but it hasnt seem to help. Momo got him some water, but it hasnt seem to work either.

After some time, i decided to help him sleep. My mom used to do that when i had an headache, she used to pull me onto her lap while she would rock from side to side, whispering soothing words in my ears while i ended up falling asleep.

I pulled Todoroki onto my lap, only to see how dazed his eyes were. Guess he really is sleepy. I began to rock from side to side with him in my arms. Until his eyes closed, and the sound of light snoring could be heard.

He was lying on my lap, while we kept on playing board games. Sometimes he would turn in his sleep or whisper things, but it were at a such low volume that noone could hear what he were saying.

After about an hour or two, me and the class decided to find some snacks and maybe watch a movie. At some point Todoroki had woken up, he hasnt left my lap tho, since he were still sleppy. And after what he said to me, he still has a headache. I didnt mind tho, wanting to give him the last of affection i could, before he would turn back.

"Hey, Midoriya could you come here for a sec!" I heard Uraraka call from the kitchen, tho i really didnt want to go, i ended up pulling Todoroki of my lap and standing up with him in my arms. "You alright?" I looked down at him, seeing how he didnt seem to realize the new position he were in.

He just nodded sleepy at me, i nodded back before making my way to the kitchen. Where i sat Todoroki down at the floor, while i walked towards Uraraka.

3rd POV

It all seemed fine, Midoriya and Uraraka began to talk. Some of the class began to find snacks for the movie and others sat in the kitchen just talking.

"Uhm, Deku?" Urarakas voice was heard, while Midoriya had his back turned towards were Todoroki were, Uraraka could see him clearly from were she stood. Her eyes wide while her finger pointed behind Midoriya, he didnt understand why until... he realized Todoroki stood in that direction. He turned fast around, only to be met with Todoroki who seemed to have fallen unconscious.

He and the rest of the class, ran to his side, while Iida ran out to find Recovery Girl. Midoriya quickly lifted him up from the floor and carrying him towards the couches. The class not far behind, wanting to make sure little Todoroki were alright. "What do we do?" Midoriya turned towards the class, worry dripping from his voice. Everyone kept silent, not knowing what to do.

When Iida came rushing into the common rooms, with Recovery Girl on his back. The elder lady quickly made her way towards the unconscious boy, checking him over while trying to figure out what could be wrong with him. When a relieved smile formed on her face, calming the class while she turned towards them. "He's fine, but could i get you guys to leave for a bit?" they all nodded leaving the room.


They had been waiting for a while now, some more worried then others, some tried to start some soothing conversations while others just stood in silence. They were only waiting for that one sentence, the sentence that would let them see their friend. When footsteps were suddenly heard, coming towards them.

All the attention in the room were suddenly at the door, waiting for whoever were coming through. When Recovery Girls face suddenly popped through the door "You can see him now, but he's still not awake".

They all rushed into the room, wanting to see their friend. But when they turned the corner, they didnt see little Todoroki.. but him in his normal age and state. Relieved sighs could be heard around the room, while people began to sit on the other couches. His clothes seemd to have grew with him too, this is really a weird quirk.

Thoughts rushing through their heads, like 'Will he even remember anything', 'Will he be okay'or 'When will he wake up'. They didnt even realize what were happening around them, until a low and rather raspy voice was heard "What happened? Where am i?".

All of their attentions turned towards the source of the sound, to be met with a awake Todoroki. His eyes were slightly dazed, his hair in a mess and he were slightly propped onto his left arm, leaning a bit forwards. 

Todoroki POV

I woke up from what feels like a long dream, but i wasnt in my bed. No. I looked around, realizing i were in.. the common rooms? i didnt know what had happened, but the relieved smiles and expressions on my classmates faces, told me it wasnt bad. Calming me down a bit.

I were about to say something when someone, embraced me in a.. hug? i looked down to see it were Midoriya, i were a bit confused as to why he were hugging me. But i didnt question it.

"Im glad your back, Todoroki-kun" Back? what does he mean by that. It seemed he realized my confused gaze, cause he looked at me a bit confused "You dont remember anything?" I raised an eyebrow while looking at him and then at the class "Remember what?". They all looked at me, which made me a bit unconfortable. "You have been a kid for the past week" i heard a voice from the other couches, only to realize it were Kirishima.

A kid? What happened? A sudden ache in the head, made me remember the last thing i saw before passing out "The only thing i remember.. is taking a hit from the class" i said, my voice lower then to my liking. They all nodded looking at eachother, this is really confusing. Midoriya embraced me again before saying- "It doesnt matter Todoroki, what matters is that your alright".

And so the days went by, the class treated me a bit different though. Still dont knowing why, but i kinda liked the affection they showed me.


Word count 1,371

This is going to be the last chapter, since i dont know how to continue this story. But if you liked the story your free to tell me:) i would like some criticism. 

And sorry of the ending wasnt what you were hoping for, but again i really cant see how to continue this story.


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