Chapter 3

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"W-wh-where am i?"


3rd POV

Todoroki sat on the couch, getting more and more scared of what was happening. Where were he? how did he get here?. He began fiddling with his fingers, while looking down.

Aizawa could see the dismay in his body language, and how he didnt bother looking up from the ground. His two toned bangs covering his face, you could see how he began to shake just a little. The raven haired teacher began walking towards the couch, walking slowly to not scare him more. 

When he were in front of the couch, he crouched down to be in eye level with the younger. Aizawa reached his arm towards the boy. When the boy flinched while putting his arms up. The teacher got worried, and quickly placed both his hands around the youngers shoulders, while pulling him in for a hug.

Aizawa POV

I pulled Todoroki to me by his shoulders, trying my best to calm him down. What surprised me, was the fact he didnt hug back. He just sat stiff, while i held him. I pulled away, looking at his expression. His eyes were wide, and his gaze were put on the wall behind me. I stayed looking at him, trying to see what may be wrong. I backed up a bit, while keeping my gaze on him.

"You okay, kid?" I tried my best to cummunicate with him, unfortunately without luck. I decided to sit beside him on the couch, but just before i did, i called out to the class, were Midoriya came over. "Yes Sensei?" Midoriya asked, i just looked at him and then back at the heterochomiatic boy infront of me. "Could you give me a small portion of food?" I wanted to see if i could get Todoroki to eat something.

Midoriya came back with a small portion of noodle soup, that they had made for dinner. I signaled for Midoriya to go back to the others, so i could get Todoroki to eat. He walked quickly back to the others, after bowing and saying 'of cause Sensei'. I almost chuckled at his politeness. 

I reached to Todoroki, poking him on the shoulder to get his attention. Which he actually gave me, he looked over at me, still with some sort of fear in his eyes, but less than before. "You hungry?" I asked while softening my gaze, i want him to feel safe around me. He just looked at me, and then on the bowl in my hand. Stretching my hand with the bowl towards him, he gave me a rather skeptical look, before then gently taking the bowl from me. He looked down at the bowl and then back up at me. "For me?" My heart almost broke at the sound of his, soft and innocent voice. I nodded at him, and saw how his whole face lit up.

I watched as he ate, waiting till the bowl was empty before beginning to ask the questions, that had been naging at me for the whole day. He gave me the bowl when he was done, and i placed it on the livingroom table. I looked at him before, seeing how innocent he looked i didnt want to ruin that.. But i also needed answers so i could help him. I needed to know how he got the scars, why he flinched when i tried to touch him and why he doesnt seem to want my help. I serioused my gaze before turning back towards him.

"Todor-" I began to talk to him, but were instantly cut short. When i saw how his face began showing nothing but horror. I softened my gaze a bit before trying again. "Shoto?" He looked up at me, a bit more relaxed unlike before. "Y-yes?" His voice were light and low, everyone could hear how the fear crept in his voice, while he stuttered. His stuttering just showed how he probably were used to being either hurt or told not to speak. It breaks my heart a little more everytime, he speaks in that soft voice. I took a deep breath before continuing.

"Could you tell me, why you have scars over your body?" I tried sounding as soft as posible. While the whole room went silent, guess the class wants to know too. Todorokis look showed a thing between horror and guilt. I didnt understand as to why, until he began to speak. "I-i.. they are only from training" His voice was barely above a whisper, but loud enough for me to hear. "What is this training your talking about?" I kept my voice rather low and soft at the same time, trying to make him warm up to me a bit.

"Im training with my father, to get better" He said, and my heart dropped 'Did his father to this!?' his way too young to began training, and it just makes it worse how many scars he got out of it. "How old are you kid?" He looked at me, thinking for a moment before answering "Im 6 years old sir". 

'6!' i wanted to yell, to get Endeavor and get him to talk. But i needed some more information, if this were going to help him. "How does your father treat you?" He looked at me "He says we need to train for atleast 1 hour a day" i couldnt believe my ears, 1 hour, thats way to much for a little kid. I began zoning out but came back to reality by Todoroki continuing. "He used to fight with my mom and sometimes yells at me, but mostly at my older siblings" When he said that, i wanted nothing else than to just hug him, pull him in and make sure to keep him safe. But i couldnt do that right now, i need these answeres.

"Was he the one who did that?" I said gently pointing at his left eye. He began shaking his head uncontrollably "No, he made my mommy do it!" i just looked at him, pity painting my whole face. I pulled him in for a hug.

"Your safe with me"


Word count 1,028

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