Chapter 9

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"Then its settled"


3rd POV

Monday went by rather quickly with Iida and Uraraka trying their best, to make Todoroki happy. They watched a movie, had popcorn and played some board games. Which they realized Todoroki also never had the chance to try, they hoped he had in his normal age but since he dont have the memories now, they would have to wait and ask him when he turns back.

But the fact you could hear him laughing, made a smile creep on whole 1-As faces. There where not one person, who didnt like the fact he were a kid. All they cared about were making his world a little brighter these few days. Even those who didnt think it were a good idea to look after him, came and played board games with Little Todoroki, Iida and Uraraka.

Mineta didnt try anything in the few days he had been here, he had actually been kinda respectful towards the girls the past days. Which, of couse shocked the most of 1-A.

When the moday ended, had Iida and Uraraka taken Todoroki back to his own dorm, and tucked him in. Seeing how soft and happy his expression were, made a smile creep on their faces, while a promise came, not just from them but from whole 1-A 'To make this the best time of his life, and keep on doing it in his normal age'.


Midoriya POV

It were now tuesday, which meant it were mine and Kacchans turn to look after Todoroki. I were actually kinda excited, not just about the fact it were Kacchan i had to pair with, but also the fact it would be me and him who had to look after Todoroki. We both had some time with him before, when we didnt have the schedule for the days.

Giving my clock a quick glans, i realized the time were way past when i needed to be up. So i quickly changed and went to get Todoroki. But when i opened my dorm door, Kacchan stood on the other side, with a changed Todoroki in his arms. "Your late" his voice sent a shiver down my spine "Yeah, sorry!" i bowed down to show how sorry i am, when a hand began to pet my head. I looked up to see, that Todoroki had leaned a bit forward in Kacchans arms, and began to pet my head "Dont be sorry, its fine" his small voice were enough to make my heart crack, and to top it of he also let a small smile slip. 'So cute!'.

Straightening my back, i looked at him. And realized he made a grabby motion towards me, without giving it a second thought, i picked him up, taking him out of Kacchans grasb. My one arm under his knees while the other was behind his back. "So.. whats now Kacchan?" he just looked at me, his eyes narrowing while giving me a hateful glans. "What do you think, what about some f~cking breakfast? eh Deku!" 'Oh, yeah breakfast'. I think everyone would know, im not that much of a morning person, my brain just doesnt function very well in the morning.

"Kacchan! dont swear infront of Todoroki!" A faint giggle could be heard, and i looked down trying to find the source of the sound. Only to discover it were Todoroki, shrugging it off. I looked back up to be met with Kacchans crimson red eyes, glaring daggers at me "Its not first time you know" 'of couse it isnt'was the only thing that came to mind, i shrugged it off ones again. Before beggining my walk towards the common room kitchen.

And from the foot step sound behind me, i assume Kacchan followed my lead. We quickly made our way down to the common room, me sitting Todoroki down while Kacchan began making some breakfast for us.

It didnt take him very long, to get done with the breakfast and neither for us to eat it. When we were done with eating, both me and Kacchan turned towards Todoroki. Seeing how he just looked at his plate, deep in thought. "So.." i began, Todorokis attention quickly finding me "What should we do?" my gaze wandering between Kacchan and Todoroki. "Dont look at me, its the brat who decides" I quickly smacked Kacchan from under the table, afraid his words would hurt Todoroki. But when i looked back at him, it didnt seem to bother him. Letting out a quick sigh, before turning my full attention back at him.

He seemed to be deep in thought, when his eyes suddenly began to sparkle a bit "I have some ideas, of things ive wanted to try" he said, i nodded at him and then he began to explain.


The day with me, Kacchan and Todoroki surely went by quickly. It surely were true, when people say that time flys by when your having fun. Cause before we knew it, it were time for dinner. The day had went by, with us ice scating, eating an icecream in the park, taking a walk in the park and then we met a bunch of cats that seemed to interest Todoroki. It surely were fun to see, how Todoroki also affected Kacchan. He didnt shout or threaten me, and he actually kept cool when Todoroki asked him questions 'If only he had been like that, when we were kids'.

Quickly shrugging that idea of, we made our way back to the dorms. Todoroki fast asleep on Kacchans back. One more thing that really surprised me, he didnt say a word when Todoroki asked to be picked up, he just picked him up and let him sleep on his back. It truly were amazing how much he changes us.


3rd POV

The days began to flow by like seconds, while class 1-A did their best to make this, the best days of young Todorokis life. Of couse they didnt know, if he would even remember the things that had happened. But the fact they got to see him smile, have fun and just forget about all lifes struggles, where enough for them. In his normal age they would never really see him having fun, but now they knew atleast a little about what they could do for him. And with it already being saturday, the time surely flyes by.

Recovery Girl even said that he would turn back at any minute now, he had been a kid for about a week now. And they couldnt wait to see him, when he would turn back to normal.

"Yeps, any minute now"


Word count 1,111

Im planning on ending this story soon, but please give me some ideas for new stories if you have any.

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