Chapter 8

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"You hungry?"


Midoriya POV

To begin with i thought it were kinda strange how he could be hungry again, but then i remembered how hard it must be on his body right now, how he's technically growing a bit for each day. And as to grow, you have to eat properly and get the things you normally would.

Even though he didnt answer my question, i could see clearly in his eyes that he wanted to say something. But he probably just didnt have the courage to do so, and honestly i didnt blame him. This whole situation must be pretty confusing for him, and all me and the class had done, was acting as if we knew him for a long time.. which we do, but that wasnt the point. He had woken up, thinking he were still at the age of a 6 year old, in the body of a 6 year old and apparently had the mind of his 6 year old self. Which meant he didnt recognize any of us.

Taking his hand, i began my way towards the common room. When a thought suddenly passed my mind 'Now Momo can see how well the clothes fit Todoroki'. I hope shes still in the common room.

We made our way to the elevator, pressing the button down to the common room, the elevator starting to move downwards. My gaze had been at the elevator door, waiting for it to open. When a tuck were suddenly felt at my left sleeve, my gaze wandering to the source, as it landed at Todoroki beside me. His eyes were at the elevator door, but his hand were holding on tightly to my sleeve. I were about to question it, when the door opened and he began to drag me out.

Deciding to ask later, we began to walk towards the common rooms kittchen. My gaze wandering around the common room, looking for the black haired girl. But when i didnt seem to find her, i decided to just walk to the kitchen, trying to find something for Todoroki to eat. I could hear some faint talking from the couch area, but it didnt seem to be the girl i looked for.

3rd POV

Todoroki looked around the kitchen, while Midoriya had his back turned, since he were looking around the fridge for something to eat. The younger saw this as a chance to look around a bit, walking out of the kitchen area, he thought about looking around the couch area. Since he also had heard the faint talking, he wanted to check out who it were.

He needed to meet some of the people around here. They needed to look after him after all, tho it were truly to his utter dismay. He didnt think that people needed to look after him, he could take care of himself. Right?

The talking got louder the closer he got to the couches, the sound of giggling and quiet laugher could be heard. Making the heterochromiatic boy even more curious, as to who were making the sounds.

He walked around the couch, coming in view of the few people on the couches. "Hey bud" Iida said, who sat on the couch infront of him, Uraraka on Iida's right side sitting beside him on the couch. While it seemed that, Mina and Sero sat on the couch just beside Todoroki. He got a bit startled when he first heard the sound of Mina to his left, since he hadnt realized that they sat on the couch beside him, his view not reaching the couch "Hey little buddy, what to you doing here?".

Mismatched eyes meeting yellow while he pointed towards the kitchen, the four people on the couches turned their heads, seeing Midoriya in the kitchen realization finally hitting them. Iida got up from the couch, picking Todoroki up gently before making his way towards the kitchen. "Think you forgot somehing?" The sarcasm in his voice were minimum, yes, but it were there and just enough for Midoriya to turn around, eyeing the two toned boy in the much taller males arms.

Midoriya bowed while saying things like "Sorry! Gomen! It wont happen again!". Iida just shushed him, before giving him a look that told 'Can i ask something'Midoriya nodded, Iida ready to ask his question "Can me and Uraraka take care of Todoroki, for a little while today? We wanted to make sure he were comfortable with us, since we are going to look after him tomorrow" Midoriya just nodded, before his face lit up with realization "Oh!.. before you go, he were hungry so maybe take this with you" Midoriya handed Iida a plate, with leftover pancakes from the breakfast they had a few hours ago.

Iida held the plate in one hand, while the other were supporting Todorokis back, making sure he wouldnt fall. He gave Midoriya a last look of gratitude, before turning around making his way back to the couches.

He sat down beside Uraraka again, Todoroki sitting on his knee while he placed the plate with pancakes on the table infront of them. Todoroki made a little grabby motion towards the plate, where Uraraka handed him one of the pancakes. Which he happily ate, while having a big smile on his face.

Uraraka flashed a small smile at Todoroki, looking up at Iida right after. "Hey? Bud?" Iida's voice rang behind him, Todoroki turned his head after swallowing the last bite from the pancake. "Mmh?" Iida ruffled his hair before continuing "Me and Uraraka-" he laid his hand on Uraraka's shoulder incating it were her, he meant "- are going to take care of you tomorrow, so we were wondering if theres something you would like to do, or something you would prefer we did with you".

Todoroki looked deep in thought, thinking of the many possibilitis he had. His face lit up, turning back towards Iida and Uraraka "Can we watch a movie?". Uraraka giggled, leaning in a bit before whispering in his ear- "Of couse we can bud, but not a word to the others. Got it?" his mismatched eyes lit with happiness before nodding his head uncontrollably. She giggled once again-

"Then its settled"


Word count 1,043

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