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"If you don't agree, that's fine

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"If you don't agree, that's fine. But you can count on having some more funerals." Liliana stiffened at the thought of losing more people close to her. She felt Nick rub her back in a comforting motion after hearing him.

"What have you done with Joey Stillwell?" "He's safe for now. Still has all his body parts, which is more than I can say for Samuel Boggs." She looked over at Jeremy only for him to glance at her.

"Boggs thought we were weak. He needed to be taught a lesson." "Dennis Stillwell thought we were second class citizens. He was taught a lesson as well." Elena looked over to her sister to see her staring at the phone.

"What do you want?" "A meeting. You and I get together, hash things out." Liliana lifted her head and shook it. "Great. Come to Stonehaven, we'll talk." "You still haven't gotten the bloodstains out of your carpet from the last Santos that was killed there."

"I was thinking we could meet at the park, on the east side of Bear Valley." Clay shook his head as he ran away from the table. "That doesn't work for me." "Then please, select a location other than your fortress. I'll come alone and in good faith. I'll trust you to do the same."

Clay then put a map down in front of them. "Fine. There's an abandoned campground just off county road 35. There's a pavilion on the west side. I'll meet you there." Liliana crossed her arms again as she sighed. "Sounds good to me. How about tomorrow, say noon?" "I'll see you there."

Nick leaned over to Jeremy, "you can't trust a thing he says." "No, I know that. We can't just sit here and let him pick us off one by one." Liliana rolled her eyes as she put her hands on the table.

"So, you would rather him kill you?" She asked in a serious tone as he sighed. "No, I just want to meet with him." "But he will kill you. I mean, we all know this." Jeremy looked over at her and as he reached for her arm as rushed past him.

She sat back on her bed as she rubbed her face. She couldn't believe that Jeremy was signing up to get himself killed. She heard her door open and smiled as she saw Nick.

"Clay and Elena went to find out stakeout points." She nodded as Nick sat down next to her. "You should talk to Jeremy. He has a plan and you kinda walked out."

She sighed as she nodded her head and nudged him. "Only for you." They both stood and he patted down on both her shoulders. He gave her a light push as she made her way to the steps.

She walked back down to the basement as he was looking at the map. "I feel bad about not hearing the plan." Jeremy didn't have to look over his shoulder to know it was her.

"Don't worry. I would've come to you." She made her way to stand next to him with her arms crossed. "I know it's sudden but could we talk?" He looked up at her a gave a slight nod as he leaned ok the table.

"Before we do this I want you to know. I'm sorry for blaming you about Jack." Jeremy looked bewildered as she spoke. Liliana couldn't find it in her to look him in the eyes.

"If it was anyone's fault it was both of ours. We both couldn't protect him." "I still blame myself. I should've been the one to protect both of you. I failed." Liliana finally looked over at him and he pulled her in for a hug.

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