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She soon found herself in the car with the help of Nick

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She soon found herself in the car with the help of Nick. "Are you okay?" Nick asked as he moved into the seat next to her. She slowly turned to him and nodded her head.

They sat in silence as they awaited the arrival of the others to the car. She leaned her head on the window as the others got into the car. She felt a hand grab hers and open it. She then felt something being dropped into her hand.

She looked up to see her sister with a sad smile. Elena closed her sister's hand around the ringer before turning in her seat. Liliana felt Nick place his head on her shoulder as she opened her hand.

"Thank you." She said in a brittle tone as she closed her hand around the ring. "You need it." Her sister said looking at her through the rearview mirror.

Liliana put her head on top of Nicks and closed her eyes. "I got you." He said as he held her hand in both of his. Jeremy looked at her through the rearview mirror with a somber look.

As they drove up to the house Jeremy opened her door. "Before we go in." He announced causing everyone to turn and look at him. He moved so she could get out and closed the door.

"Tomorrow morning we will have our meeting. We all need some rest right now." Liliana nodded as she walked toward the door as others followed. "I'm gonna head to bed."

She stopped when Elena gave her a soft hug. "We will get this Mutt. Don't worry, I promise." She smiled as she pulled away and waved at everyone as she left.

She opened her bedroom door and placed the ring on her bedside table. She sat on the bed and let her head fall to her hands. She let out a sob as fell backward on her bed.

"I don't understand. Why Pete?" She whispered to herself before wiping her eyes. She stood and took off her shoes as she grabbed her pajamas. She changed quickly as she heard a knock at the door.

She shuffled to the door and opened it to find Jeremy. "What do you want now. I've had enough for today." She told him as she looked him in the eyes.

Jeremy hesitated but took her into his arms and rubbed her back. "You don't have to join the meeting if it's too much." Liliana wrapped her arms around his waist as she nodded.

"I will bring you some breakfast tomorrow, alright?" Jeremy removed his arms from around her and put his hands on her arms. "I would like that, thank you."

He soon after left her and she closed her door. She returned to her bed and wrapped herself tightly. She felt comfortable and safe as she wrapped herself.

That night's sleep didn't come easy for her as she stayed with her eyes open. She felt a soft knock at the door a muttered a soft come in. From the other side came Elena wrapped in her own blanket.

"I thought you might be awake," Elena mumbled as she trudged to the other side of the bed. She plopped herself down and threw the blanket over the both of them.

Liliana turned toward her sister and Elena did the same. "I just keep seeing his face." "I'm sorry I wasn't here. I should have been." Liliana reached her hand to her sister's arm.

"I wouldn't want you to see him the way I did." Liliana moved her hand back to her side and closed her eyes. "I'm here now. Why don't we sleep? I will be here in the morning right beside you."

Elena took Liliana's hand in hers as she smiled. Elena closed her eyes as she fixed her pillow. They both fell asleep after their talk and both felt safe and calm.

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