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Liliana woke to a knock on her door and opened her eyes

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Liliana woke to a knock on her door and opened her eyes. She turned her head to see her sister with her back to her. She smiled as she sat up and opened the door.

"I brought you two plates. I knew Elena would be here." Jeremy said with a sweet smile as he handed her the plates. "Thank you." She told him as she took the plates and he closed the door.

"You two are getting along," Elena said as Liliana turned to see her sitting up. "I heard him. Are you two finally okay with each other."

Liliana handed her sister the plate before sitting in her spot. "Nope, he can be as nice as he wants it doesn't change a thing." She took a fork full of eggs and ate them before taking a piece of bacon.

"He's sorry. He knows that you blame him and he blames himself." Liliana rolls her eyes before placing the plate on her side table. "I don't want to talk about that. And he should blame himself it's his fault."

Liliana grabbed up some of her clothes and walked out of her room. She made her way to the bathroom only to bump into Nick who was just leaving. "You okay?" She smiled and lightly pushed him out of her way.

"I need to shower so why don't you go downstairs," Nick smirked before leaning against the wall. Before he could utter a word she slammed the door in his face. She could hear him chuckle before walking away.

She took herself a calm warm shower before getting dressed. She walked down to the basement as she placed Pete's jacket around her shoulders.

"We need to be strategic about this. I've sent word through Logan to Daniel Santos that I'm willing to talk." She walked up and made her place between Jeremy and Nick.

"Santos doesn't talk so much as lie." Liliana placed a hand on Nick's back as she looked over to Jeremy. "He wants to trade information he has for reinstatement into the pack. And I know he cannot be trusted, but I am at least willing to listen to what he has to say."

She looked down as she placed her hands into the jacket pockets. "The last member of the Santos family that walked through our doors tried to kill you."

"Our backs are up against a wall here. I need something to smoke Marsten and his crew out." Elena stomped up to the table, "Then let me lure this one. Let me be the bait. I'm the 'bitch' that he wants."

She took out her hand and wrapped her arm around Nicks. "No. We will find them together." Liliana was pushed back by Nick as he was pushed by Elena. "Well that didn't go to plan did it Jer."

Jeremy leaned his arms to the table and looked at her. "Nick can you leave us." Liliana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as Nick left upstairs. "I understand you don't trust me as much as you had. But can you please just help us out and not be out for revenge."

"You told me I could kill this Mutt and then you change your mind. I don't trust you because you change your mind too quickly." She shook her head and put her hands back in the pockets.

"I'm out for revenge because my best friend was killed. You may not care but I do. I don't care if he's dangerous or a serial killer I will kill him." Jeremy stood and crossed his arms moving his body to face her.

"I just want to ask a few questions then you can kill him." Liliana took her hands out and started to clap. "See!" She told him with a smile on her face.

"Ask questions then you can kill him." She repeated the words as she mocked him. "If you did care for me you would let me." She moved her hands into her pockets as she walked up the steps.

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