Act one: part 7

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Be someone else. You are now Dylann Soulri. You like mythical creatures and hate fantasy. Then there's her. Her name is Circes. She is your Auspecis. You two have a lot in common, all except she likes ALL myths and mythology, and that fantasy B.S. Dylann calm down. Drink a cool one, and by that I mean Faygo. BLUH. Why did you think that was a good idea, you hate Faygo. You think it was made mainly out of dead grubs, you hate that taste.

Anyway. You are the second coolest guy next to your cool Morail Xavier. You are so close to him on the coolladder, it's like the echeladder, but no need to get to into detail. You get to involved into your mythological creatures some times. Don't lie, quite a bit of the time.

You grab one of your knifes and a sword. You put this to your strifespecibus, it has an awkward name. The dagger/bladekind. You don't get why blade kind should hold knives, swords, and daggers among a few things, but no it's stubborn. You grab your mobile device. It allows you to communicate with others. You go outside. You go to the patch of flowers. Dylann captchelouge marigolds. Oh god, the module device is shot from your alphabet modus. Retrieve mobile.. er communication device. You put it under C.

You lean against your massive lusus. It is a lion with two black horns, and large bat wings. It is AWESOME B). Your mobile..... communication device buzzes. you have to be careful what you say, you want to take these marigolds to your matespirit. Later though. You answer, it is a group chat. MythicalBlizzard view.

~maestosoAntlers started chat group: White Team~
MA:I made thi5 to recruit people for the white team.
~lastJudge began replying to the chat group: White Team~
LJ:--{]he Black --{]eam Is Full, So I Have No O--{]her Choice. Besides, I Already Agreed When Arguss Asked Me --{]o Join Your --{]eam.
~independentRock began replying to the chat group:White Team~
IR:I'M already IN it
~mythicalBlizzard began replying to the chat group:White Team~
MB:B) WeLL if Xavier is in it, count me in!
MA:Doe5 anybody know the other two'5 Trolltag5?
MB:B)I do, I'LL contact them.
~maestosoAntlers closed chat group: White Team~

You will now contact these trolls. Be the sleepy girl. We are now the sleepy girl. Your name is Kyrain Sinbell. You just had a dream about rams, speaking of rams, you pet your giant fluffy ram lusus. It is the softest thing in the world, it also sleeps and dreams a lot just like you, maybe a bit less. Anyway you get your spear and put it in your strife specibus. An assortment of files in various colors appears, you pick one and out comes a large carrot from the orange file you chose. You feed it to your ram.

You then get on your husk top and get onto a chat group your friend setup. This is a conversation we already heard, the chat group was called magic pals. On the note of you being on a team, you go to sleep.

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