Act One: Part 3

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You are now Arguss. Lazyra is talking to you, she told you about how the Lusus's would decide who would be the leaders. This makes you think about the first time you met your Lusus. It was unlike most, it also has to deal with where your antisocial problems started.

Now be grub Arguss. You manage. In fact this Arguss welcomes you happily, so unlike future Arguss. You are now but a grub. A youngling of trolls. You decide to crawl around a bit. Eventually you make your way outside.

Then you see it. An adult troll is attacking his Lusus. Without thinking you run down the hill you stand upon. This troll notices you and is about to kill you by crushing you with his foot.

Something came over you. You jump as high as you can. You somehow land on the massive trolls neck. You continuously bite into his neck, while he hits you.

His blood rushes out and he falls dead to the ground. Arguss fight... oh god you fail. You squirm around in the trolls orange blood. You then with all your strength manage to push the almost dead Lusus back to the hive. When you pushed the wolf, its hairs had messed up your eyes, so now you had glasses

You take care of this wolf, and rather then sleeping in slime, you curl up with this wolf. . Eventually when your Lusus would decide who it would guard, the wolf chose you.

Ever since that day though, you've had a distrust of trolls. You decided to seclude yourself and guard animals, so you moved into a forest, next to a nice man. You decided to make my house underground. The nice man and you became good friends, your had a similar likeness towards animals.

He became almost as good of a friend as your Morail. Then he was killed. You and your friends found a game and are going to play it. Hmm... looks like we've caught up to now. After Lazyra goes back to her hive. You and your Lusus go back into yours. You lay on your block's floor, suddenly a dozen wolves came in and laid around you, it is a nice warm cozy pile, you recommend it.

In your dream you end up on a golden moon, you don't like it here, it's too bright. You fly around and end up at one of the other many towers. Its the one with the pretty girl on it, she has horns that look like that of a unicorn, but two. She is sleeping. You look down at your golden clothes in disgust.

You fly down to the city far below. Their are people walking around. You decide to fly back to your tower. You enter and begin reading your books. Lazyra has asked you before how you can read so fast, this is how. You read when your asleep and when your awake.

You finish reading the book, it's about mythical creatures. You then lay on the floor and wake up. It is dusk. You need to leave, like right now. Arguss run, you do your Lusus is close behind.

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