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Aaron wakes up in the middle of the night to Aph trying to get comfortable “having a hard time babe?" "mhmm, the baby doesn't like how I lay." “I wish I knew how to help you..” Aaron sighs “would more pillows help?" "be lucky you don't have to carry a baby and maybe some pillows might help..." She has a mood swing, He gets up letting Aph get comfortable with all of the pillows. "thanks babe.." she smiles,  “Want any crackers while I’m up or a drink?" "drink.." she whines, "I want woof too.." Aaron nods and kisses her head softly “of course babe…” He quickly grabs woof and brings it back to her “here’s woof… you just want flavored water?" "thank you baby and yes." She cuddles the plush he gifted her on Valentine's day. Aaron smiles,  She relaxes falling asleep. 

With Katelyn

Katelyn is very uncomfortable, Her best friend Luka walks in with comfort food. She looks at her “hey.." "hey how's um pregnancy going..." “I’m mad… mad that I’m doing this with little to no support… mad that this pregnancy had made my body feel this level of uncomfort in places that aren’t supposed to feel uncomfortable… I feel weak and exhausted but it feels like all my organs are being crushed so I can’t sleep... And I'm hungry..." "I'm so sorry we'll I figured I'd check on you and bring some comfort food. "I'm here to help you Katelyn so I hope the food will help.." “Thank you… did you bring my favorite water as well?” "always, She smiles "she gives her comfort food and flavored water. Katelyn slowly sits up and eats the food like a vacuum. She smiles massaging her back "it'll be ok..." “Mmm that was so good..” she smiles She smiles "want me to start a shower for you?" “I just want this pregnancy to not screw up my body, but yes I would like for you to start me a shower..." "I understand is there any other way I can help as your friend?" she starts her shower,  She drinks all of her water in two gulps. "your shower's ready." "ok..." "Want help walking there?" “Yes please..” She gets up and helps step and sits her down "want me to leave the room so you can get undressed and clean?" She nods, She leaves the bathroom so she can shower.

She gets in the shower and just sits unable to stand up, "do you need help?" “I can’t move..” "I'll help you but won't look." She walks in not looking at her and helps her up. She’s tense but still attempts to wash herself. She puts her hand on the handle then walks out of the bathroom. 

She finishes and turns off the shower. "Did that shower help?" “Kind of…” "ok would anything else help?"More water…?” "I'm on it..." 

With kc

Kc is snuggling Zane, There's a knock at the door, "I'll go check it." He opens the door wait babe it's a baby." "What??" "It's a baby boy on our doorstep." Kc gets up and walks to him “what in the world??" "A baby..."  Kc gently picks him up “shh little one…” The baby relaxes, Kc looks at Zane “what do we do…” "this boy we need to take care of him..." “Well duh. But like… what do we do? I know the basics like how to change a diaper but… Aphmau! We need to call Aphmau." He sees a piece of paper, "his name it's Souta.." "well Aphmau y'know the girl that helped me that day y'know when I was being bullied by Gene and almost beat me up when she stepped in and helped when she then showed her true self,  she could help us." “Yea… she might know something about babies… she is possibly Latina after all…”

"I'll try and call her." He dials her number “Ok." Aaron picks up her phone “hello?” "Hello this is Zane, is Aphmau there, and who is this?' “This is Aaron, her boyfriend… and yea she’s sleeping because she’s not feeling well… what’s up?" "well a baby was set on our step and me and my girlfriend don't know much if raising a little one and may need help..." “Come on over… I can help… do you know how old the little one is?" "about 1-year old I think he looks more like an infant though." “Ok.. yea come on over. Do you know the apartment number we live in?" He thinks for a moment, "15?" “14, but close enough. Yea come on over.." "ok we're on our way see ya..." 

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