I Got You

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After the bell rings I sling my bag over my shoulder and step out through the front doors. Natasha and I go our seperate ways.

"You should come with me."

I turn around and find Logan walking towards me. A smile spreads across my face.

"Go with you where?"

"Mmm the beach."

"Right now?" I ask.

"Yep." He laces his fingers through mine and pulls me towards his motorcycle. He straps the helmet on my head and gets on. I get on behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

I shut my eyes and listen to the loud vroom! Soon we're speeding down the street, the wind picking up my hair.

We don't say anything for the duration of the ride. It's not an awkward silence. It's more of a comfortable silence. Like an elderly couple in their home. One knitting and one reading the newspaper but neither talking.

I smell the ocean before I see it. The sun is just starting to sink into the horizon but it's not quite there yet.

Logan stops the bike and helps me off. I buckle the helmet to the handle bar and slip off my shoes.

"Come here you." Logan lifts me off of my feet the way a man lifts his wife after just getting married. He walks us towards the water and I lay my head on his chest. His warmth is a nice contrast against the crisp fall air.

"I love the beach." He says. I feel his deep voice vibrate against my ears. "It's so peaceful."

I tighten my grip around his neck and he kisses my hair.

The waves crash and splash against the sand. Little droplets of water spray my arm and Logan walks into the water.

He waddles in until he's chest deep. Which means I can't touch the bottom. I cling to his neck.

"Logan," I say breathlessly, "I'm afraid of drowning."

He loosens his grip and I slip a little into the water.


He pulls me back close to him and touches the tip of my nose to his. "I got you."

We stand in the water until the sun dips below the horizon, leaving the sky orangey and purply color.

"Have you ever been kissed at sunset?" Logan asks.


He presses his lips to mine and his kiss is so soft and sweet. "You have now." The water creeps up my shirt and I yelp.

Logan laughs and walks us towards the bank. When my feet can touch the bottom of the water he lets me go and splashes me with water. I splash him back and he sends a wave my way. I stumble and he catches my arm and pulls me up.

"The only reason you should be falling is falling for me." He grabs either side of my face and kisses me again.

"Already done, Logan."

Already done.

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