Stop Being So Disgustingly Cute

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"Wake up sleepy head." I open my eyes and see Logan staring at me. He brushes the hair out of my face. "Sleep well?"

I rub my eyes and let my vision adjust. "You stayed?"

"All morning. Well I went to my place to change my clothes then I came back."

I sit up in bed and stare at him. He just smiles and stares at me back. "How'd you get back in?"

He jiggles my keys in his hand.

"Right. I forgot you love taking my things."

He leans back and shrugs, "There's one thing that I haven't taken. But I really want it."

"Oh? What's that?" I stand up and stretch.

"Your virginity."

I stop mid stretch and peer at him. His face remains innocent looking before breaking into a huge Joker grin.

"It's Sunday. And you need the Lord." I shake my head and walk into my bathroom.

Logan follows me.

"Um. What are you doing?" I ask.

"What?" He sits on the counter.

"You?" I point at him, "Downstairs. Right now. No boys allowed in this room while I shower."

"I can be a girl for you."


He retreats downstairs and I turn on the shower. When I get in the hot water feels good on my back. I stay in for about twenty minutes. When I step out Natasha is sitting on my bed.

"Hey." She says. Typical.

"I could have came out butt naked and you still would have sat there as if it was the most normal thing in the world."

"Pretty much."

"How'd you get in here?" I walk over to my dresser and grab my deodorant.

"Logan let me in. He's downstairs talking to Chris. What is Logan doing here?"

"He brought me home last night when I blacked out."

"Did you guys....." Natasha looks pointedly at me.

"Did we? What? Oh god no!"

She smirks and crosses her legs. "Sure."

"You already know I'm a virgin. Please do not start." I throw on a pair of jeans and a tank top.

I hear running up the steps and I'm ambushed by Logan. He tosses me onto the bed and kisses me. Chris follows behind him and whistles.

"He's not lying!" Chris points a thumb at Logan.

"Lying about what?" Natasha asks, sitting on Chris's lap.

"That him and Bella are a thing now."

The tip of Logan's nose is touching mine. "You told him we were together?" I whisper.

"Yeah so it would be mad embarrassing if you were to contradict me." He whispers back.

"I wouldn't do that," I wrap my arms around Logan's neck and let him kiss me again right there in front of Natasha and Chris.

"Stop being so disgustingly cute." Natasha rolls her eyes.

"Get a room." Chris interjects.

"We have one. How about you get the fuck out." Logan throws a pillow at Chris.

"Yeah okay. Let us know when you're done slobbering all over each other. I'm glad we're not like this babe."

Oh the irony of that comment.

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