Chapter 5

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Two days have passed, things were... awkward, to say the least.

Felix haven't slept since the kiss. He took that time to work on his time machine, he sometimes would even take his free time during the day to work on it. He wanted to finish it as soon as possible.

He also started acting weird around Johnny, he would try to avoid him all day, saying he had something to do so he wouldn't have to talk to him.

It was after lunch when Felix came up to him.

- I need to talk to you.

They went to a more secluded area so they could talk privately without being interrupted. When they got there, Felix was pacing around, looking so nervous it worried Johnny.

- What's wrong? What did you want to talk about?

- I think the kiss was a mistake.

Felix blurted out. Johnny could feel his heart shatter, he wanted to cry thinking his feelings for Felix were a mistake.

He held it in and pretended he didn't feel anything.

- What do you mean?

- Look, I really like you. And I also really liked the kiss. It's just that....

Johnny started to feel angry.

- Just that what?

Felix avoided eye contact, looking sadly to the floor, as if his shoes were more interesting.

- It's just that I don't belong here. We can't be together, it's the 60's, gay couples aren't really accepted here. I need to go back home eventually, and even thought we would be more accepted in my time, I don't think I could take you with me.

- Why not? I would love to go to the future with you. Even if it's totally different from now. I can learn to live in the future with you.

Felix looked at Johnny, he looked more sad than ever.

- I couldn't possibly do that to you. You have a live here. You have a family.

- They wouldn't care if I went away. They sent me to war for a reason. They'll probably think I died like some kind of war hero.

Felix turned away.

- John, this isn't your decision to make. You don't even know what could happen once we got to the future, I don't want to risk anything bad happening to you because of.

Johnny took Felix's hand and forced him to turn around and look at him.

- Something bad could happen to me no matter what, you can't control that and it's not your fault.

They were looking at each other, in silence. It felt like an eternity when it was actually just a minute or two. Johnny decided to break the silence.

- Felix... please... I want to go to the future with you. I want to spend as much time as I can with you. I really want you in my live. Please....

Felix looked into Johnny's eyes, looking for any sign of doubt. He only saw pain and sadness. He hoped he wouldn't regret what he was going to do.

He sighed.

- I'll give you a week to think about this. And I mean really think about this. Think about what you're leaving behind, about what you will probably see in the future. After a week, if you still want to go.... I'll take you with me.

Johnny smiled ear to ear. He was so happy he couldn't stop himself from hugging the smaller boy.

- Thank you. For giving me a chance

- It's the least I could do.

Felix smiled, and hugged him back. He thought that maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. He really hoped he wouldn't regret this.

He really liked this boy.

They pulled away after a minute or two. They looked at each other, Johnny noticed that Felix looked tired.

- You should sleep a little. You look exhausted.

- Good idea.

Felix started walking away to the dorms, Johnny stayed.

He sighed. He was really happy that Felix was giving him a chance to let him go with him.

He felt a hand grip his arm and flip him around, caughting him off guard.

It was Felix.

He kissed the taller boy.

Johnny kissed him back, still a little surprised.

They pulled away.

- Just before I go. Goodnight Johnnyboy.

- Goodnight Felix.

He smiled as he watched the other boy walk away.

They were finally talking again. He felt like this week was going to be amazing.

They were finally going back to normal

....or were they?

Johnny was so happy, he ignored the feeling of being watched.



Hey guys, I'm really sorry for taking so long to finally upload.

A lot of shit has happened, and I was forced to go back to the closet.

So that means I'm officially a highschool clichê.

I'm a closeted blonde gay dude with anger issues, my dad is a cop, and I'm secretly dating my best friend.

Anyway, sorry for the wait, this is a short chapter but it was the only thing I was able to write. Maybe next chapter will have a little bit of spice, who knows. Can't promise it will be good though. 

Thank you so much for reading, hope you guys enjoy :)

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