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I have a friend called the Irish god of love.
This person is beautiful,
is gentle and lovely and cute.
And why not, handsome too.
My friend from a request:
we met in the comments
of a post.

We talked about astrology suns
(for hours and hours)
and our friendship developed
alongside the understanding of our moons.
Then we talked about tarot
and the card of Spoken Words.

We sometimes have long convos on Discord.
My friend always has something to say.
Something that happens to make my days.

We have only one hour of difference
between us;
and our names,
both start with the rune Ansuz.

We always have a new message in the chat
when we say "morning" to each other
as we wake up.

I'm glad to be there for you when you need me.
I'm glad to be your friend right from the start.
I'm glad to have so many common topics
(to talk about)
I'm glad you like my writing so much.

We're both so receptive to magic
and not only open to it.
You shared with me your interests
and last night we did more than one quiz.
I shared with you personal things
and you are still so welcoming.

I'm happy today cuz I woke up with you in mind
and this poem started to shape itself,
right in front of me.
I heard your voice and you'll hear mine.
I'm so happy to have you here in my life.

I want to share with you every detail
and I really value your insights.
We talk in the morning and all our night
and I assure you that I'm having a great time.

I want you to have all the things you might need
and all this feeling you crave for.
Because I understand you,
dear friend.
I understand many of the things you're trying to
even if you don't understand them yourself.

I am going to preserve and nourish
our bonds and respect our boundaries.
I will send you many more
of these little smiling faces
and all those astrological memes.
Because I know you love them
(almost) as much as I adore
your purple hearts
and your words of encouragement.

The universe joined our paths
for many reasons and all at once.
We are going to be supportive
and we're going to thrive.

I'm here, you're there, and we're together.

Poemas para los poetas sin poesíaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora