Chapter 44:

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Hi all. I've decided this book is getting too long so I'm going to make it a series. I know I'm a pain. And please don't hate me. (you'll understand why I say this, once you finished the chapter) keep your eyes peeled for book 2 which I will start as soon as I can but want to get more for other books done first. keep voting and commenting. love you all and thank you for all your support thus far. means alot. ❤🤪🙈

                 Chapter 44:


We walk through the town, or territory as I keep being corrected, que eye roll, and well… It's weird. It's a normal town but everyone seems to know everyone. Like they all show their necks to Kade and the Alpha's but to me as well, double weird.  I don't think it's something I'll get used to anytime soon. But I smile and say hello.

When we're walking past a bakery I can't help but step back and look in the door. There's not many people in there and I'm feeling peckish. Someone, not mentioning any names, hasn't gotten me my balls yet! 

"Love, Jason is bringing your bites. Be patient" I give him a look like he's crazy and say.

"Me? Patient? And I thought you knew me" I walk into the shop ignoring his protest and look at all the goodies on display and lick my lips. 

"Can I Help you with anything, Luna?" I look up at the lady who exposes her neck. Do they really have to do that? 

"Yes. May I have 3 of those please… oh. Do you guys want anything?" Everyone but Kade shakes their head no. 

"Do you really need 3, love! Jason is bringing-"

"Just those, thank you" The lady suppresses a laugh and starts to package the 3 yummy looking cinnamon swirls up for me. I hear Kade huff but he steps into the shop and hands over the cash, paying for them.

"Thank you" I say as I turn to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and looking up at him with a smile.

"You're welcome. Just save room for your bites as you've made Jason fetch them for you" I giggle.

"Did you say fetch because he's a-"
"For the love of- No, love. He's not a dog. I said fetch because… well that's the word I used!" He says, sounding exasperated.
"I was gonna say wolf. But now that you've said it…" He growls and pinches my bottom the cheeky fucker. I swat his hand away, or try to, but he pulls me Into him more. 

"Behave. Or I'll have to spank you later" He whisper-growls with a kiss. I need a fan or something and some new undies because mine are soaked again. 

"There you go making promises again. I'm more of an instant gratification kinda girl. And your promises always seem to be quiet… cumbersome." I say teasingly.

"I'll give you cumbersome" He growls.

"I just said I want instant gratifi-" He pulls my lips to his and devours me right there in the shop with everyone watching. Not that I really care.

"Can we skip this shit for 2 weeks?" Arya comments.
"What?" I ask her, my brain a bit addled as he completely dominates my mouth.
"I don't care if we're already pregnant. I want to be locked away with him. Pleeeeeease"
"Err… Err… Wh-What was… the question?"
"Sex. I. Want. Sex" I'm about to tell her to stop being so narrow minded. When a throat clears.

"Ahem… Luna. Your pastries" I pull back and push Kade away.

"And you told me to behave. Take your own advice… sorry about that. Thank you very much." I take the package from her and walk out the door with Kade chuckling behind me. I open the goodie box and take one out about to take a bite when Jason comes jogging over. He comes straight to me and holds a box out to me at arms length. Is he scared of me or something? It makes me laugh, and as soon as my hands touch the box he sort of throws it and let's go so that I almost drop it.

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