My gaze was drawn to the clouds that were developing in the sky, making the air cooler and the streets darker.

Upon walking, he had stopped us in front of a small local cafe. It was cute. Small seats were installed around the café, leading around the back and front, and the store was painted white and blue.

As Roman opened the door, a bell rang, and we entered—the delicious scent of cinnamon was the first to hit my senses.

Women in aprons worked behind the counter, and it was fairly busy—the majority of the chairs inside were taken. We took our place in the little queue and waited.

"Where are we going next?" I asked, eagerly. Glancing at me, he licked his lips and looked around the cafe.

"Museum," He replied. I smiled broadly and clenched my grip on his hand. "Really!?"

He hummed and moved up the line as we approached the front of the queue. I looked through the options and decided on a hot chocolate  instantly.

"What are you getting?" I asked him. He pointed two fingers towards the cinnamon roll behind the glass, and I gave him a goofy smile.

"I thought food like that was 'diabetic'," I stated as I recalled one of the first times we went for breakfast together.

His lips twitched at the sides as he shrugged and looked towards his watch.

After the female in front of us passed, it was our turn to place our order. The older woman at the register raised her eyes from the counter to Roman and me.

Her eyes widened a little when she saw us—Roman, and she stared at him. I instinctively looked up at him, only to see the same blank expression on his face as usual.

"W-What can I get you two?"

She muttered, coughed, and then smiled. I frowned but pushed it aside, as I was about to speak, Roman had beaten me to it.

"Cioccolata calda e un rotolo di cannella,"

Translation: "Hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll,"

She scribbled it down quickly before adding the total. Meanwhile, I was stunned that he knew exactly what I wanted.

After he paid, I continued to gape at him idiotically, following behind him as he moved away from the counter.

"How did you know what I wanted?" I asked him with bafflement. He paused to the side, taking a few napkins into his hands as he spoke.

"I know you," He replied, coolly. I grimaced even more and walked up to him, tipping my head up to meet his gaze.

"Be more specific," I urged, raising my brows. He shifted his gaze away from the napkins in his palm and right at me.

As he took in my 'demanding' appearance, a faint smirk appeared on his lips. "You only drink it in the mornings," he affirmed.

I pursed my lips at his answer. He was correct, which made me wonder how closely he had been watching me. It literally made my heart fucking melt even more.

Not long after, our order was called; he took the brown paper bag and my cup of hot chocolate, then handed it to me.

We strolled out silently, back to the sidewalk, and I followed in his footsteps.

I continued to look about while I sipped my hot beverage, taking in everything I could see. The clouds above had also become thicker and cloudier, indicating that rain was on the way.

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