20: That's A Wrap

Start from the beginning

"Lizzie." Lottie came out of the bedroom. "Leave." She listened.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. "She was just upset, don't worry." She nodded. "I better get to hair." I pulled her into a tight embrace. "You're enough," I whispered to her. "Thanks."


"AND THAT'S A WRAP! The bell rang for the final time and we stopped posing and relaxed. "Well done everyone." We were all congratulated some people were emotional others were excited. I was sad. I knew this meant we were all going home. Lottie included. She, Tom and Florence was leaving after the wrap party tomorrow night.

We did a big group hug, I held Tony tight, it was his last movie. I was sad to see him go and not be working with him anymore. It had been ten years, he's my family, they all are. "Proud of you." He whispered to me. "Proud of you," I say back.

"Where is Lottie?" He called looking around for her. She was jumping around with Florence and Tom, they were being children. "LOTTIE!" "ROBERT." She called back in the same tone and volume. "Come give me a hug. Congratulate me on my amazing career. Praise me." He said basking in the glory of all his hard work. She came over and hugged Robert.

"Congrats on your first Marvel film." He said to her after she finished praising him. "Thanks." "You'll be at the party tomorrow night." She pulled a face. "What?" "My flight leaves in." She checked Roberts watch. "2 hours and 36 minutes." "You're leaving Friday... Not today." He says with a frown. "About that." She smiled at him. "I have an audition for a Westend show. I need to be there." "So you're not saying goodbye to us." "I mean I would have said bye." She says looking at me her big brown eyes were telling me sorry but I was annoyed she had kept it from me.

"Well, then we have an hour to party!" Robert said clapping his hands. "OKAY LISTEN UP EVERYONE! MISS KLOSS IS LEAVING SOON. PARTY! NOW. BREAK ROOM. LET'S GO!" Everyone was surprised that she was leaving so soon. Florence didn't seem shocked. "Florence is coming too. She has an audition in London for a new TV show." "Oh." "You planned it then?" She nodded

"I didn't know how to say goodbye." She said looking at me. "I tried a million times to tell you over the past two weeks but I just. I couldn't." "Well now we need to say goodbye now and not after we've had a few shots." She nodded. "You'll come visit right?" She asked, I nodded. "We have press to do, we'll see each other still," I told her. "Going to be weird not being able to drive five minutes to come cuddle." I agreed. "Or having someone to help with Rose." "You don't need help." "How many times did you come over when I was running late to do her hair?" She smiled. "Besides Colin and I think we're going to let her go to the school next term." "Really!" She seemed excited.

"So I'll be staying with you for a week." "Farm or my apartment? I'll be wherever you want to be." "You have an apartment?" "I don't use it but I have a place in London yeah." "Why did we stay in a hotel?" "Because Colin came." "Right." I nodded. "And you'll come to visit me." "Yeah, the minute I get a break from work." "You have things in place already?" "I have my Westend show. And then an audition for a second one in the summer. I'm free after for press and then I'm hoping to get on a Christmas show, ballet or musical." "Busy little bee. You don't fancy doing any more movies?" She shrugged. "Maybe. I feel like after all the drama-"I'm not asking you to date your co-star again... I have this audition, they're still trying to find someone to play the second role."

"You want me to be your co-star? Again. Aren't you sick of me?" "Not even close to being sick of you. I'm already missing you."


"When you asked me to audition did you know we'd be doing this?" She asked me amused as she sat on the bed that was dressed for the set in white bedsheet that she had wrapped around herself. I was in small amounts of clothes too. "No, I didn't because I thought you'd get the other role," I said blushing. "This wasn't your way of getting me in your bed?" She laughed. "I'd rather have you there without 30 other eyes on us."

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