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"This is my fault." Steve said, sobbing as he looked down at the baby.

His baby. 

As joyous as the occasion was, the circumstances were dangerous. Due to Steve's DNA, Bruce had predicted that there would be...complications, when his boy was born.

It wasn't the serum, it was Steve himself. 

Steve had always been that gaunt kid with a scraggy build before Dr. Erskine and his magic serum came into the picture. While it had done the job and sized him up, it didn't rewrite his DNA.

The same DNA that made up half of his child.

Bruce hated being right about these things, especially when the child showed signs of stunted growth five months in. 

And the birth itself...


Steve refused to think about how he had almost lost his child before he was even born.

"Steve, honey." Natasha called to him, reaching her palm out to caress his cheek.

Steve allowed the warmth of her hand and the contrasting cool of her ring to ground him. 

"It isn't your fault. We knew this would happen. We were informed."

This wasn't his first episode of the sort on the topic, but every time was just as heartbreaking to his wife.

"No, you don't understand. He, he's going to grow up knowing that he will always be the weakest person in the room. Always. Moreover, we're his parents, and we're widely regarded as the...the perfect personification of human beings. Specimens. For him to grow up with us, knowing he will never be like us..." he choked out, trying his best to explain the doom he had brought upon their child.

"I know what it feels like, Nat. It'll destroy him from the inside. Like dangling a carrot in front ; what he wants the most is always just out of reach."

"Steve." she called out firmly, putting a stop to his wobbly, worried ramble. "Look at me."

It took a few moments for his sorrow-filled eyes to focus on hers.

"Let's be honest: neither of us ever thought we would be in this position, with a child of our own."

She paused for a moment as they both looked at their baby, resting on her chest, with a matching twinkle in their eyes.

"So the fact that he's even here, with us, defies everything we've been told. Everything we've thought about. He's here, he's real."

Steve couldn't help but nod.

"Besides, he's no weakling. He fought his way into existence. He kept fighting, kept going, no matter how many complications came along the way. He's only weak physically, Steve. But inside him burns a flame much brighter than yours or mine."

She gently pulled Steve closer, placing her forehead on his. 

"He's our baby, Steve. He can take on any challenge that is thrown at him, I'm sure of it."

Steve sighed out, and looked into her eyes again, conveying his thanks through his gaze.

She understood, and nodded with a smile. 

They then heard a knock on the door.

"Is this a good time?" the doctor asked, poking her head in. 

"Perfect." Natasha reassured, prompting the doctor to enter with the nurse in tow.

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