Together (Pt.2)

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A.N. Just pretend like these timelines sync up. Thank you.


"You know, I bumped into Barry today. At Jitters."

Peter was laying with his head on Wanda's chest, listening to her heartbeat. Wanda held him in her embrace, with a TV show playing quietly in the background.

Her heartbeat was interrupted by a rumble as she chuckled.

"If only they knew how many superheroes frequent that café", she mused out loud. "So, what did you guys talk about?"

"He said that he was...going through a bit of a rough patch."

Peter gripped Wanda's shirt a little tighter, which did not go unnoticed by her. She kept playing with his hair, watching as he slowly calmed down.

"It turns out that Dr. Wells was actually an impostor. He was being impersonated by this man from the future: Eobard Thawne."

Wanda couldn't place where she had heard that name before, but then it hit her.

" in-"

"Eddie Thawne. Iris' fiancé, yeah. Turns out that he's Eobard's great-great-something grandfather."

Wanda was stunned, which Peter seemed to pick up.

"Yeah, I was shocked, too."

"But then, where's the real Wells? Shouldn't he have caught Thawne by now? And besides, it's highly unlikely that he would not be recognized as an impostor. Wells wasn't exactly an introvert." Wanda asked and stated.

"Remember that car crash? The one that killed Wells' girlfriend, Tess Morgan?"

Wanda nodded, remembering the intel they had gained upon conducting background checks on the scientist.

"Harrison was killed that night, too. Thawne somehow found a way to morph himself into Wells and literally drained the life out of him in the process."

"Why did he do that, though? What was his motive?"

"He's the guy that killed Barry's mother."

That halted Wanda. Much like Peter and Uncle Ben, she knew that Nora Allen's death and Henry Allen's consequent arrest shaped Barry's life, for better or for worse. Barry is who he has become because of the demons he has faced, the paramount of them being the death of his mother. 

Wanda knew what it was like to go to bed with both your parents beside you and to lose them by the end of the night.

"He's Barry's arch-nemesis from the future. Replicated the conditions that Barry had undergone when he became the Flash and turned himself into the Reverse-Flash. He came from the future to kill Barry, but killed his mother instead, hoping that the event would set off a chain reaction, with the end result being that the Flash never comes into existence. He later realized that in doing what he did - coming back in time - he had depleted himself of his speed. He couldn't go home. So he had to create his arch-enemy from the ground up, in a sense. He knew that the particle accelerator was going to explode. He was banking on it, actually, to turn Barry into the Flash-"

"And it did." Wanda said, astounded.

Peter nodded.

"So Barry caught him with Ollie and Ronnie's help."

Wanda nodded, mentally chuckling at how the fierce Green Arrow was usually brought to his knees under the combined might of Felicity and Peter. They often talked about how alike their significant others (Peter and Felicity) were.

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