19: Eddie's Birthday

Start from the beginning

Robert took me next door to go see her, Lizzie was laid in the bed with her, stroking her hair as she slept, she was hooked up to the monitors. She looked awful, her skin was so pale her lips a little blue. "They think it's affecting her heart," Lizzie said already crying.

"Has anyone called her grandpa?" "No." Robert shakes his head. "Don't let them." "Scarlett, he's her only family." "He doesn't need to worry yet. When there's more information I'll call home for her." I tell him firmly. "Where is she?" Florence said coming in her IV was still attached to her as a nurse followed her in.

"Oh my gosh." She sobbed immediately, Lizzie moved so Florence could sit with her. "Please be okay." She cried. I wanted to cry but I couldn't it's not really happening. I just need to stay calm. Yeah calm. Breathing. Calm you know. That state that I'm only even in when I'm with Lottie.

"Scar, breathe," Robert said holding me. "She can't be sick. She has to be okay." I tell him. "She will be, she just needs to rest. The drugs put a big strain on her heart." I nodded. "We just need to stay positive and calm." I nodded again.

"Tom she won't wake up." Florence cried and reached for him when he came in. "Everyones awake why isn't she?" She asked her best friend who held her and one of Lottie's hands. "She'll be okay." He promised her.

"I need to speak to her doctor." "Scar, I just think you need to rest." "No, I need to speak to the doctor," I say certain. Robert took me out and we found her doctor. "Your paitnet, Charlotte Kloss? Do you have all her medical records here?" "No we don't but we've gotten confirmation she has no allergies." "She was born addicted to meth, that affects her heart right... This could be worse than we think." Robert held my hand. The doctor looked concerned before regaining herself. "I can't disclose any information with you as you're not her-"She's my daughter..." Robert lied. "Please." He asked. "Sir, lying to me won't-"Her grandpa is her only family. He's in England he's old, please. Just... I need to know she's not going to die." I begged. "I want everyone out of that room and a crash cart ready."

"Oh my gosh." Robert caught me as my knees buckled. "She'll be okay."

"I'm not leaving her." I heard Florence say. "Get off me. No!" She was fighting to be in the room. I pulled myself together quickly. "Please, let me be with her. Please." "Florence, they're going to take care of her. Come on." I wrapped my arm around her. "Scarlett I can't lose her. I can't." "They're doing what they can. Come on, we need to wait outside." I coax her into coming out with me.

Brie came out of her room. "Is everyone okay?" She asked. "Lottie's not awake. She's had a lot more in her system than the rest of you." Robert tells her. She nodded and looked into the room before the door closed.

The alarms on her monitors could be heard out here, I held Florence closer to me covering her ears as I did to block out the noise. I looked at Robert and he looked a little sick. He couldn't look me in my eyes. "Why is she so sick? I don't get it? She can handle the alcohol she always has." Tom said, "It's what was added to it." "But everyone else is fine." He was getting frustrated. "And so will she," Robert said firmly. "Really? Because it sounds like she's dying in there." He shouted at her. "DON'T SAY THAT!" Florence said pulling from me. "She can't die. She won't."

Tom walked one way and Florence walked the other. Five minutes we listened to alarms before it went quiet. The doctor came out to us and looked at me nudging her head. I went over to her. "She's stable. We've given her some medication to help her heart, she should wake up soon." I let out the air I've been holding in. "Thank you." "You saved her tonight." I walked to Robert and held him tight. "Kids a fighter, what can I say?" He says patting my back. "Don't tell anyone. No one knows." "Of course."

"I'll find Tom you take Flo." "Yeah," I say, letting him go. "Lizzie she's going to be okay, you should go sit with her." She looked like a ghost but she nodded going into the room. She did care about her, but so did Flo and so did I. And she deserved someone who wouldn't hurt her and that was none of us. They cheated on her and I was too scared of losing her to do anything about it. And if I did I think Colin would make good on his threat. And that scared me too.


"She's okay?" "Yeah." Florence held me tightly. "I was so scared." "We all were."

We go back to Lottie's room and she was just waking up. her eyes blinking whilst she adjusted to the light. She looked so confused, she probably has no memory of anything. She sat up slowly taking the clip off her finger monitoring her heartbeat. She had the biggest frown on her pretty little face.

"You scared us for a minute kiddo," Robert said tucking her hair behind her ear. She looked at him puzzled. Taking him in, like she was retrieving memory of who he was. "Kiddo?" " I need you to leave." She said softly. "Okay." He nodded. From what he told me, she called him dad. And she probably remembers snippets as I did. He kissed her cheek and whispered something to her and she nodded.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Florence hugged her and she held her back. "Is everyone okay?" "Yeah, we're all good." She nodded at Brie's comment. "When can I go home?" "I'll go ask the doctor," Tom told her and she nodded.

Lizzie hugged her next, they shared a moment, they were going to get back together. The look in Lizzie's eyes just screamed love. I couldn't compete with that. I wasn't going to. I know she deserved better than me.

I stood by the door she hadn't yet seen me. "Wheres Scar?" She asked Lizzie confused. "She's there." She looked to where Lizzed pointed and a smile broke out on her face. God, I missed her smile. "Glad you finally got the rest you needed," I say with a smile. "You should be resting too. All of you should." She said looking around the room. "I'm sorry, you got us all out of bed because you decided to stop your heart." Florence joked with her. Lottie moved over on her bed. "Well lay down, your IV isn't finished." She pattered the bed. "Always taking care of everyone aren't you. Even after you nearly died." Florence said sitting down.


"I can't let you leave until I have a signature from the person you'll be staying with. Do you have a roommate or a friend you can stay with?" The doctor asked her. "She can stay with me." Lizzie, Flo and I all said at the same time. She looked at us, she looked uncomfortable.

"I'll sign," Robert said taking the clip bored. Lottie frowned. "I look after your brother why not take you in too kiddo." He was referring to Tom. "Thanks." "You happy for him to sign?" She nodded at the doctor's question. "Okay, your vitals have been checked so you're good to go. I know you have a demanding job but please, use that stunt double, no dancing for a few weeks." "What?" She danced every weekend, Sunday mornings. "At least a month." "It's my job." "I understand that, but your heart is." "She won't dance. I'll make sure she takes it easy." Robert assured the doctor as he handed her the papers back.

Lottie looked at me she looked annoyed. I tilted my head, she raised her eyebrows, I raised mine she rolled her eyes. I nodded and she shrugged. "Let's get you home," Robert tells her.

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