Chapter 19: The showdown

Start from the beginning

Many others had things to say too but Ria just tuned them out, they can have their opinions.

Lark and Ria looked pretty similar with their petite figures and toned bodies, their faces were both angelic but their hair and eyes were so different. Kyle had yellow blonde hair and sure he was hot but neither of the two girls saw him as a crush they both saw him as more of a brother or best friend. He was slim and lanky, with wavy hair and soft brown eyes.

Ria giggled at the ridiculous thought that she would date him.

"People think we are flirting with you Kyle or that you're lucky to date us or we uhm lets just say did some inappropriate... things to get you to be with us." Now Ria is belly laughing.

"Is it such a ridiculous thought to date me?" Kyle looks between the two girls in front of him. Lark smiles holding in a laugh too.

"I'm sorry, it's not. I don't see you like that, I'm not sure if i'm speaking for myself or both of us however when I say that though. I see you as a brother more or less." Ria smiles at Kyle, instead of being upset he looks somewhat relieved.

"Seconded." Lark adds grinning.

"Thank goodness. I like you guys but not like that." Kyle grins back at the two girls.

"What is taking so long!" Lark grumbles looking at the screen with the numbers, next up is number 49.

"It's my turn soon. Only two more people, or I guess one." Kyle shrugs and looks at the board as a students walks out grinning.

The trio stand waiting for about 20 minutes before number 51 appears on the board.

"That's me, wish me luck." Kyle grins and walks over to the entry door, a few people whoop and holler especially his friends.

He walks in and spins, the room is pure white and there is no furniture. In the corner is a camera and white lights on the roof. The room he's standing in produces a bronze flash, unlike the others which have apparently flashed either; green for earth, light blue for snow, dark blue for water, yellow for lightening, white for sound or orange for fire. So what does Bronze mean?

The room starts to change, the scenery changes a few times until it settles on bronze metallic walls, floor and ceiling. Kyle looks around curiously and starts walking towards the other end of the room, as he walks he finds his feet no longer hitting the floor. Looking up he realises the roof is getting closer, his gaze sweeps the room and a few metal blocks have started floating.

Above are some monkey bars not knowing whether the gravity would shift again Kyle grabs onto them and starts swinging across. All of a sudden the gravity changes and his weight falls, still holding onto the monkey bars he finds all the weight get dropped on his arms. His ears pop and he gets a little light headed. Instead of figuring out what is happening he swings himself across the monkey bars, as he goes to land a burst of light streams from a light on the wall nearly blinding him. As though he could sense it he closed his eyes just as the light gets blasted on narrowly escaping going blind.

Quickly he drops onto the floor and runs to the door, a few pieces of metal go flying towards him from either side but he dodges all of them, his eyes still closed from the blinding light. One pipe trips him and he stumbles a few steps into the far wall. Crashing heavily into the door he tumbled out and spots a few faces peering down at him.

"Hi." He waves his hand and sits up, he hisses in pain from the awkward landing but stands up nonetheless.

"Son! Are you ok?" King Alexander rushes over with a few observing teachers. After a thorough check he grins at Kyle, "You're fine." The King crushes his son in a quick hug before gliding away. On the screen that shows the elements is a picture of a a sun and moon surrounded by stars.

"Kyle!" All his friends rush over to him bombarding him with questions.

"I'm fine guys." He grumbles not liking the attention being fully pointed at him.

"You got a sun, moon and star symbol. What is it?" Lark points at the screen at looks at the group.

They all shrug and face Logan. "Wow guys! Just because I read doesn't mean I know everything." Logan grumbles. He did however like that everyone thought he was smart and turned to him for information.

Every spectator in the area were watching the friend group, and they all noticed.

"Nothing to see here!" Ria growls glaring at the crowd, the wolves flinch, the vampires tilt their heads away in submission and the humans look down embarrassed. "Better."

"Nice Ria." Lark high fives her and the guys just shake their heads laughing.

"We should probably go stand with the last few students to wait." Ria gestures at the 6 students still waiting to be allowed to go.

"We'll see you guys after we have gone." Lark smiles and the two girls wander back to group of students awaiting their trials.

"Next!" One of the teachers, probably the Headmaster, calls out. A student with dark hair, dark makeup and black gothic style clothes walks into the testing room. The last 6 students all go before the board shows number 58. Lark.

The whole facility moves forward in their seats watching to see what element she will get. The strongest female Vampire.


What is the star symbol... what are your guesses? What will Lark and Ria's elements be? Hehe, you'll never guess!!
Love ya's
- Brax

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