It was an actual forest. The floor led to a tree that took up the room, and it's height was beyond sight. Antonio rode up and journeyed the tree as everyone cheered him on. When he arrived back to everyone else at the main floor of his room, he was immediately surrounded by all of his family who congratulated him.

Abuela called for a picture with the family and afterwards, the party part finally began.

Music began playing and everyone was already ready to dance. Camilo danced alongside his family, though he secretly tried looking around to see if could catch a glance of the girl. He hadn't seen her arrive, and wasn't sure if she was even there.

As he was about to lose hope, he accidentally bumped into someone. He turned around to apologize.

"Oh sorr-" he stopped short. It was her, the Angel girl. After the kids called her that, he couldn't help but think of her as that as well.

He blinked in disbelief. She stood before him, in a beautiful golden yellow and white dress that seemed match his outfit. Though it was probably a coincidence, he so wanted to think it was on purpose.

He opened his mouth to say something, but she stared at him wide-eyed before covering her mouth, giggling softly.

At first he seemed to fall for her even more. But then he wondered why she was giggling. She then looked at him up and down and then pulled on her dress to show him.

He looked at what she was showing him scrunching his eyebrows, confused. Then he glanced down his outfit on accident and had to do a double take before he realized he was wearing a dress with the same design.

He examined the rest of his body before completely realizing that he had indeed unconsciously transformed into her.

He immediately turned back into himself and chuckled nervously. He already felt his cheeks heat up, knowing his face was probably all red.

Embarrassed, he tried to walk away, already giving up. But before he could he was stopped, a hand pulling him by the shoulder, turning him back to the girl. That's when he saw that she herself had pulled him back. He froze in his spot, completely willing to do whatever it is she wanted him to do.

Then she began walking past him, and he looked down.

'She wanted to be the one to walk away then ..' he thought sadly.

Before he could start to walk again, he felt a hand trace his upper back from shoulder to shoulder. He stood up straight at the action, confused by what to do.

As the hand traced around his shoulder, he saw it was the Angel girl who had circled him. Her hand then stopped on top of his shoulder for a second before  continuing up the side of his neck and along his jawline as it came to a pause right under his chin. She gently pushed his face up and made sincere eye contact with him before removing her hand gracefully to her side, grabbing his complete attention.

Then, she spun around, following the tempo of the music as she gazed back into his eyes and began dancing in front of him. She swung her dress as she dance, enchanting him further.

"Come on." She finally said. This made him stand up straight. He had never heard her voice before.

"Don't just stand there enjoying the show," she held he hand out, pausing her dancing for a moment. "Dance with me." She smiled.

Her voice sounded as sweet as how Arroz con Leche tastes. He could listen to her talk for hours, and she had only said a few words.

Before he fully registered that she had asked him to dance, she grabbed his hand and took a step back before spinning herself while still holding his hand up.

 (Camilo x fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now