The Accident

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Hello Readers that chose to read this, this isn't like the rest of my book because this isn't an x reader book, and this is gonna be more wholesome. no lemons!
Anyway without a further ado onto the prolog

Its a hot summer day, on Our protagonist way to the store to buy some snacks for the weekend people give him disturbed looks . . . like always . . . once he gets into the store he buys what he needs and leaves.
The lady at the register laughs and says to her co-worker "he was so ugly"
He shrugs it off like always and makes his way back home, all alone, ever since his parents died he has been left alone, no friends no family, all he has is some money and a home. He looks around and sees he was in the middle road, shocked he tries to make it to the other side before getting hit, and right as he was about to make it . . .
He slowly gained consciousness, he Looked around expecting to be in a hospital thinking of how he will pay for this next bill. . . but he isn't, he looks around and notices he's on a hard marble table in what looks like a black void.
He looks to the ground and gets off the table standing up suddenly he turns around from a voice
"Hello there human"
"Who are you" he responds while backing away from the being
"I go by many names sometimes im seen as a god, some times i just influence someones wishes, but i can confirm i am none of those* he transforms into a fox then a mouse then back to human
"But i will say that i dont have a name, but for name sakes you can call me $&_#%+:$!, oh wait you cant understand that language . . ."
The protagonist starts getting upset and yells out "FORGET IT, WHERE THE HELL AM I!?!?"
Without addressing the outberst the figure simply replys
"You are dead"
Our protagonist eyes open wide as he falls back
"I-i die-"
The being walked off the table and aproced the protagonist and cut him off
"Yes, your dead, BUT DO NOT FREAT! I shall resurect you in a world full of magic!"
The protagonist shakes his head
"T-this cant be real, t-this is . . . A DREAM YES A DREAM!"
He goes to peanch himself but recoils from the pain
"This isnt a . . . dream . . ."
The being despite not haveing a face looked sad
"Do not worry for you shall reincarnate into a world of wonder and magic"
The being places its hand on his head and it feels warm not like warm as in you go inside on a cold winter day, more like when you eat a warm bowl of soup when your sick
The protagonist looks at his hands and realized he's dissolving into light but right before he can say anythig everything goes black
He opens his eyes but he cant see anything, he cant breathe he trys to get air any air but he cant, suddenly theres a hard pound on his back as he feels whatever air he had shoot out along with some liquid, and just like that he can breath he then feels someone say something holding him he feels so small but the person holding him simply said
"Hello, Mazel"
Mazel? Whos Mazel?
He couldn't think for long as something was shoved into his mouth and soon fell asleep . . .

Hello i hope you enjoyed the prolog, ill get started on the next part

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