year 1

14 0 0

1st person
I slowly start to wake up as i look around. This isn't a dream I think to myself, ever since my im guessing rebirth my vision has strengthened, i can now see further then once before, ive also made some small discoveries.
I have reincarnated as a baby named mazel. . . also i seem to have a cat tail and two cat ears, so i can only guess im a demi human, witch luckily im not a slave like most demi humans are in anime
Secondly There is no technology in this world, so i need to be careful when i relearn to speak
Lastly, English, apparently its true, English is a universal language, as they speak and wright it here.
While im thinking this all to myself the door to my room opens up as my mother and two others walk in.
Mom-"here he is, you two are his care takers when im not around, so i expect he is treated properly."
I can feel my mothers deadly aura while pretending to be asleep, she is truly a scary, yet loving woman.
Woman 1-"yes my lady, me and my sister will make sure he is kept safe"
Woman 2-"once again, apologies about our brother not being here"
They both bow
Mom-"dont worry about him, he was sick, i would be upset if he came, who knows if mazy would catch what he has"
Note 4- mother has given me the nickname mazy
Woman 1-"thank you my lady"
Mother yawns
Mom-"well im off to bed, aurora will be first watch, and Ariana you can be second watch"
Mother then left as the two maids stayed in the room closeing the door
Ariana-"finally shes gone, that woman sends off every run away sence i have"
She shudders
Aurora-"yes i agree, and thats a bad thing how sis? This just means if he was in danger she would do anything to get him back"
Aurora soon walked over to me and rubbed my back, now that shes in my vision i could see it, two sharp black horns and a long thin tail, she was a demon
Aurora-"oh children, so definceless, so weak"
She then pulled out a knife and threw it as it landed next to me, at the end a was a now dead spider. . .
Ariana-"yeah, yeah, they depend on us stronger then them to protect them"
Trying to stay calm took allot of focus as she then reached down and picked me up patting my back
Soon morning came as i "woke up" i looked at the two women and made some cute goos and Gaga's
They ate this up in awe as mother soon walked in brushing her hair
Mom-"come on, its time for mazys breakfast, then its his first day on the town"
Today will be my first time out of this house. Still tho those sisters give me the creeps.

-time skip of baby maz being nursed-

God i may have the mind of an adult but she is still my mother, i am glad something hasn't "awakened".
Anyways after being nursed i was taken outside for the first time and . . .
Oh my god . . . there is no technology crap, i wont be able to watch anime
While my mother is Carrying me i see other people, but instead of cat ears or horns, there's dogs, ferrets, and . . . a llama?
We soon entered a shop, it was small yet felt big, probably because im so small, the shop sold armor, weapons, and produce.
Mother set me down and i saw some wooden swords those interested me, so i made my way and crawled over but right befor i could grab one ariana picked me up
Ariana-"now now, you must be interested in wepons"
She then walked over to mother
Ariana-"it seems master mazel is interested in those wooden swords mistress"
Mother looked at me and smiled
Mom-"ok, ill buy two of them, witch ever one he grabs first, and pick one for your brother he can teach mazel swordmen ship"
I was so happy, i was gonna learn to fight, i was then taken back as aurora picked up one with a red handle, i was lowered and tried to grab the black one but couldn't rap my small hand around the handle, Aurora then picked it up for me. A few minutes later we walked out mother traded what she was holding to ariana to hold me instead, we walked some more and i started to get drowsy and leaned on my mother and slowly fell asleep
Days went by and my rebirthday was soon approaching, every day was the same, wake up, play, be cute, and repeat.
But on the day of my rebirthday i woke up and mother picked me up and was humming
I look up at her and then was set down there was a mountain of presents and more the day was fun but i still have yet to meet the brother of aurora and ariana

Wooooo that was a lot of writing, i hope you enjoyed the first official part of this story, untill next time!

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