adventure awaits

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Years have passed since my last update to this mental journal, I'm now the age 10, magic exists in this world but mana doesn't start absorbing into ones body until an awakening, no one knows how many one can awaken but everyone can and its shown by strength, the most someone's awakened is 10 times, I heard fox kin awakening gives them new tails.
Only awakened individuals can enter places called labyrinths ever changing dungeons that materialize into caves and forests, they disperse when cleared by killing the boss, and you can collect equipment, no one knows where everything comes from just by magic. DONT ASK ME, THATS WHAT THE BOOK SAYS! A while back I found a book when no one was watching, it talked about the mana theory and how it relates to the labyrinths.
Of course all good things come to an end and my love for books was discovered, tonight though. . . I shall try to awaken as the book also held some starter spells like a fire ball spell, not like d&d though, its like a small ball of fire (obviously) and its the size of a ping pong ball.
As soon as I'm confident everyone is asleep I get up and sneak to the library then I look for the book. Once found I sit in the middle of the room with it open on the first awakening page but something else had caught my eye, a small foot note. i looked closely and it was saying how the effects of an awakening after the first one vary, well that will come at a later time. ok here's what the page on the first awakening says!

"the first awakening. mana accumulates in the body around the soul, many have theory's about where mana comes from but none have been proven, mana also has a set amount to each person, so a old man could have more mana then a adventure in his/her prime but a new born could have even more mana then the old man. this is called the mana pool. there is only one way to increase ones mana pool and that is though further awakenings, the outcome of an awakening is random, there is no known way of choosing what effects come from the second or more awakenings."

"mana can be altered into almost anything but this is difficult you must have a prefect image in your head of what spell you want to make summon that spell then call out what you want to name it, though this is as they say "easer said then done" out of all known spells only five were artificially created. but if you are just starting out you don't have to worry about that as these require a huge mana pool. now how do you awaken? this first awakening is simple and luckily doesn't need items from monsters to do so."

"time for the first awakening, first you will want to get into a meditation stance as the image bellow shows"

it was just an image of someone sitting cross-legged with there hands creating an O shape. I follow the instructions and turn to the next page.

"next you want to close your eyes and breath, eliminate all thoughts, good and bad, make your mind empty and desolate. obviously you cant do this while reading so just read the rest before doing this step and on word. next you will want to envision a lake, the lake must be calm and still, slowly drain the lake as the water empty's envision a crystal ball forming, once the ball forms completely have it slowly descend into the now empty lake an chant these words "omberoth shetoth maial form awaken" the rest is up to you"  

odd, but i do as the book says and close my eyes, a lake forms in my head and i do what i was told and have the lake empty then the ball forms slowly descending once it hits the floor i say the words "omberoth shetoth maial form awaken." I open my eyes and I'm in a white void that feels fremiler.

"ah I see you're back~" i turn to see a being standing on a marble table.

"oh, its just you, I didn't die again did I?" the being cocks its head and shakes it

"no, no, nooo. I just thought that I would congratulate you on your awakening! here's you present!" I stare confused but then a screen pops up in front of me

"I know how in your world you would play games so I thought maybe give you some nostalgia, by granting you a menu, this is much like the menu in your games, just say inventory, skills, and stats. after that the respected menu should pop up, I did add a few secret features to this as well, but where's the fun in telling you how to access everything?"

I was about to say thank you but then I got cut off "now then you must leave now I'm sure your mother will be with you shortly Bubye" as I was about to ask what they meant I jolt up back in the library. looking around there's books everywhere as well as a crater around me. crap this is what they meant.

soon there's a loud bang from the direction of the door as I turn I see four people. mother, Alfred, Ariana, and aroura. I gulp as my mother charges me and once she stops she looks around my whole body "no wounds luckily" my mother states, Alfred then walked up glaring at me "it seams he has awoken" as the other two walked up I couldn't keep myself up any longer as i fell back passing out

I HAVE AWOKEN, I am now in a better state of mind now that I'm on meds and what naught, how have you all been, I promise ill do my best to make updates to my books as often as possible anyway hope yall enjoyed this and see you next time byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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