Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen


The grounder and I are evenly matched. Its a fair fight, but it's also hard. He lunges, trying to thrust his sword into me. I dodge his blow quickly, stepping to the side. As he moves past me, I see my chance. His side is open. I don't think.

I just swing my knife at his side. The blade enters his body quickly, and I pull it back out with the same speed, trying to ignore the squelching sound it makes as it leaves his body. He stumbles at the pain, and lets out an animalistic roar.

He swivels around and lunges at me again. But I have injured the side that he uses the most for fighting, and his aim is shaky. I can easily duck it, but his sword narrowly misses it's mark. Too close.

I step aside and turn around again. I step backward a few paces and hold my knife tightly. I swallow, hard. Kill or be killed. I have to do this. I think of Octavia. He attacked Octavia. He deserves this, doesn't he?

I try to convince myself that he does, but I know it my heart that it isn't true. No one deserves death. No matter what they have done.

He charges at me again, and I know I have to act. Now. So I do. I let my knife fly, and the sharp metal hits it's mark. My aim is good. It always has been. But that doesn't make what I've done right.

He chokes on his blood, and his palms hit the ground as the liquid flows from his heart. In one, quick motion, I draw the blade from his chest. I stand there over him, half shocked and half afraid at what I've done. But then there's a scream of pain.

And the voice is all too familiar. It sends shivers up my spine, and makes me turn around. Clarke. She's been hit. And from the looks of it, she was trying to protect Octavia. How? How can she protect my sister after what I've done to her? It's the same way that she stepped in front of Asher and the kids. She put her life on the line for theirs. She's a protector.

I'm at her side at an instant, the fear bubbling throughout me and fueling the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

She lets out another scream of pain as she slumps to the ground, the spear bouncing.

"Clarke!" I call her name desperately, cradling her head in my hand. "Clarke, can you hear me."

Octavia's voice is somewhere behind me. "She stepped in front of me. She saved my life." Her voice cracks as she speaks, and I can hear the pain in her tone.

Clarke starts to slip away, and I hold her closer. "Clarke! Stay with me!" I suddenly whip my head around and face Octavia. "Don't just stand there. Do something! Help her!"

Octavia suddenly snaps and changes her tone. She reaches over and tears my shirt, making a rag to help stop the blood flow. She presses it to the wound, and tells me, "Get her back to camp. I'll do whatever I can there. Just hold this down for now."

I'm already standing up, cradling Clarke to my chest, when Octavia finishes speaking.

"What about the spear?" I ask her.

"Leave it in for now, Bel," she replies desperately at she leaps over a fallen tree. "Just hurry!"

That's all I need to hear. I'm running, holding Clarke close to me, and trying to keep the spear from moving around too much. Why did she have to get hit? Clarke is the one with all of the medical knowledge.

"Come on, Clarke," I say quietly, my voice cracking at the end of my sentence.

Her head lolls back over my arm, her hair tickling me. I start to talk to her, hoping that she will hear my voice and wake up. I jog a bit faster, trying everything I can to stop her wound from worsening.

Blood is everywhere - on the spear, on her fingers, on her side - and it's starting to drop onto me. Her blood is thick, and hot, and it terrifies me. She's already lost so much.

What if there's nothing we can do? What if she dies? What if she never gets a chance to forgive me? I can't lose Clarke. She has to give me a chance to apologize.

And so I say it again. "Stay with me." I murmur it over and over again to her as I carry her limp body.

The rag is doing almost nothing for the heavy blood flow spilling from her side. The spear has gone all the way through her body. I take my eyes away from Clarke and see the wall up ahead.

"Just give me another minute, Clarke," I tell her as I climb a small hill to the camp. Before I'm even there, I yell desperately, "Open the gate!" And the gate opens. I go faster up the small hill and pass through the gate.

As I walk through camp, whispers float around me.

"That's Clarke!"

"What happened?"

"Is that Clarke?"

The murmurs spread, the only noise in the camp. My feet hit the drop ship ramp, and the noise echoes around camp.

I set Clarke on the only table, and try to lose the memory of her brother dying on it. Clarke won't die. She can't.

Octavia is already at Clarke's side, removing the rag from the wound. I reach out my hand and feel her forehead.

"She's burning up!"

Octavia doesn't stop working. "Get one of the rags and a bowl of cold water." It's all she says, but I know what to do.

I grab the rag and bowl and yell to the crowd that is forming outside, "Monty, get in here! Everyone else, leave! Clarke needs space!"

I press the cold rag to her head as Octavia tells Monty what happened. He leaves immediately, saying something about a plant that would help. Suddenly, my brain clicks.

"Octavia, the numbing plant!"

I turn my attention back to Clarke. "Come on, Clarke, stay with me."

Stay with me.

AN: Hello! I hope you all like that! I got so many good comments yesterday I thought I would upload again today. Thanks for reading!


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