Ej: Dad I'm sorry...

Cash: It's not your fault, I got to go and do some things so excuse me. Take this break day Eej, I need one too *he walks out the room*.

Cash: Time to make some calls...*he walks out the house*.

Ej: Well that went better than expected...what am I going to with my future now...

At School

Ashlyn: Hey G, hear anything from Ej today?

Gina: Yeah I've checked on him, he's doing okay so he says but I feel like there is more to this feeling that he isn't telling me.

Ashlyn: Well you know him better than anyone else, not including me of course but I trust your feelings when it comes to him.

Gina: Thanks Ash. I actually texted his dad about this.

Ashlyn: You did? That was a bold move, they never had the best relationship.

Gina: And that's exactly why I did it. So he could come in, see and check on his son to see if he could possibly help Ej. I want their relationship to get better.

Ashlyn: You really are girlfriend of the year G. I love how you look after him all the time, even when he may not want it.

Gina: That's what I'm here for Ash, and that's with anyone I care about.

Ashlyn: I appreciate you Gina and I know Ej does too, more than you know *she hugs Gina*.

Gina: *she hugs back* thank you Ash, those words always mean a lot.

The Bell Rings

Ashlyn: So glad we don't have rehearsals today, the break is needed. Ej picked a good day to be sick. Hope he's better by tomorrow though, we need our Beast.

Gina: Agreed *they laugh* can't wait to see my boy, been a long day without him. Want to come in when you drop me off?

Ashlyn: Yeah I do, I'll let you go in first though. That way y'all can have some alone time before I come in.

Gina: You know us so well.

Ashlyn: And that my friend is what *she points at herself* I'm here for *they laugh*.

They go to Big Red's car and they all head to Ej's house.

Gina: Ok I'll text you when to come in and I don't text thennnnn....

Ashlyn: Okay got it *she scrunches up her face a bit* gross but I got it *they laugh*.

Gina: Hey I was talking about kissing *she smirks*.

Big Red: Suuurree you were.

Ashlyn: *she gasped* Biggie! *everyone laughs*.

Gina: Ok guys see y'all soon...maybe *she laughs and rushes inside*.

She opens the door and finds Ej trying to cook in the kitchen but is failing. Something is slowly burning and Gina had to be the one to turn the heat low and get the pot to save the food to where it's still somewhat edible.

Ej: *startled to see Gina* Oh babe hi! First of all when did you get back? Second of all, thanks for saving the food *he says sheepishly*.

Gina: You're welcome babe and I like just walked in the house. I know the smell of soon to be burnt food so I just immediately swooped in and came in here to help you. What are you trying to make anyways?

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