"Yeah," I whispered back, smiling. "I know I just met her today, but she's different. She didn't scream or feint, or even ask for a picture or an autograph. She talked to me as a normal person. As Liam, not Liam Payne from One Direction. I'm normal in her eyes," I told him, looking down at her again. 

"I know what you mean, mate," he said, flicking a glance at Louis. "She's a keeper." I blushed a bit at his words, thinking about the kiss we shared before we both passed out. 

"You have that look, what happened?" Harry asked, a cheeky smile on his face. 

"I, uh, well, I kissed her," I mumbled out, blushing a bit deeper. 

"Awwwww!" Harry cooed, clapping his hands together in a childish manner. 

Morgan stirred. 

"What's going on?" she asked, sleepily. Her hands went to her face and she rubbed her eyes. 

"Nothing, Harry was just being Harry," I told her. She looked up at me and smiled. 

"Oh, okay. Hi Harry," she said, turning to face him. 

"Hi Morgan," he replied, smiling widely. "How was your sleep?" 

"It was pretty good. I was comfortable," she told him, smiling. 

My face lit up with a grin. 

"We're back!" Niall's voice called a few seconds before him and Jillian walked into the room with bags of what looked like NANDOS. 

"And we brought food," Jillian added. 

"Yeah, because knowing Niall, he would have eaten it all himself," Louis commented, joining in to our conversation. 

He looked normal again, not at all like the broken boy that walked in earlier. He turned to me and gave me a slight smile, wordlessly communicating with his eyes that he would talk to me later. I nodded, then noticed that Morgan was no longer on my lap. 

I looked around a bit, before spotting her and Jill sitting in the corner, talking. Niall dropped into the spot next to me and dreamily sighed. 

"What's up with you, mate?" I asked him. He handed me a bag with food before answering. 

"Just thinking. I had another dream. And she had the same one. We have been sharing them, Liam. All the ones she has been in," he said. "I'm not sure what it means, but we keep being together in the dreams, not bad or anything, just together. I did kiss her last night. In our heads. It was the first time I could and I'm not sure why..." 

He was thinking out loud now, just rambling to me. 

"Maybe it was because you two are finally together. Physically and mentally," I suggested. He shrugged. 

"Maybe," he muttered. 

"I'm going to see if Zayn is hungry. He's probably sleeping in Elizabeth's room," I told him, standing up. 

He just nodded, closing his eyes. 

Morgan looked to me when she noticed I was moving. 

I mouthed "Zayn" to her before slipping out of the room. I didn't miss her smile though, as she answered with an "Okay".


"So,... You and Mr. Payne, huh?" I teased Morgan. She blushed. 

"Maybe, but it's nothing serious right now. If it ever gets to be," she mumbled. 

"I haven't known him long, but I can tell by the way he looks at you that it will happen. He likes you a lot already," I told her. 

"How did you meet them?" 

"Well, I started having these dreams. There was this guy and he would be there everyone I fell asleep. We got to know each other, still in the dreams. I didn't know he was a real person until Elizabeth got in the accident. Liam and I were out at the mall because he wanted to talk to me, but before he spit out what he was trying to say, we got a call from Zayn that Elizabeth had gotten hurt. We got to the hospital and he was here," I told her. 


"Yeah. I think I'm in love with him," I said softly, blushing a bit. 

"Awwww," she cooed. 

"That's what I said about you and Liam," Harry interrupted. 

My gaze snapped to his face. He had heard me? 

"Wait, what? What about us?" Morgan asked, her voice slightly higher than normal, eyes wide. 

"You were sleeping on his lap and he said that he liked you, so I went 'awwww' like you just did. He blushed, too," Harry said, a cheeky smile on his face. 

"He said he likes me?" Morgan asked, twisting her fingers together nervously. 

"Yeah. He said you're different than other girls. You didn't scream or freak out like most of our fans would. By the way, are you a fan? I know Jill isn't, but I knew her before the other guys." This time, his smile was proud. 

"Yeah, I'm a fan, but not a crazy one. I don't know every single thing about you guys, but I support you and like your music," Morgan replied to his question. 

"Did Liam really say those things? Or are you just being a turd?" I asked Harry, wanting to know the truth. 

"He really did. I would joke about that," he said seriously, looking into my eyes. 

"Good, otherwise I would have had to kick you into next week," I said, smiling at him. He laughed a little, lightening the mood. 

"I'm gonna go talk to your boyfriend, he looks lonely," Harry told me. I looked over at Niall, but he didn't look lonely, he looked tired and bored. 

"He's not my boyfriend, Harry," I said. But I want him to be, I continued in my head. 

"Not yet," he sing-songed, standing up and skipping away to sit next to my 'boyfriend'. 

"Well, that was awkward," Morgan said. 

"Yeah. He really is," I replied. 

She started laughing, causing me to as well. We got a few weird looks from the rest of the boys, but I didn't care, and neither did Morgan.

Sooooo.... How do you like it!?!? 


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Thanks for reading!! :)

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