14: I Missed This

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She had longer hair than most people on set still. "He'd be proud of you," I told her. She nodded chewing her lip, I pulled her lip with my thumb as gently as I could. "Don't do that." "Sorry." She says. "Lottie you ready to go." "Yeah." She called with a smile. She had to film the landing now.

They ran through it a few times and when she got it they went to film it, she rolled and then from her back she kicked up doing a version of my landing pose. She just looked cooler doing it. She took deep breaths and they did it, again and again, adding a cut and some dirt to her face making it look more real, she just fell from a building with a few CGI spots so in editing they can add more to her face.

When she landed I ran into the scene. "Are you okay?" She nodded. "Good." And then I hit her. "Ow." She said dramatically. "Don't do that to me again." And we continued the scene.

When we wrapped Lottie was done for the day. I had a few more scenes. "Want to grab dinner?" She asked walking beside me she had wet hair and was in her robe so I assumed she had just showered. "I'm on set until 6." "I'll wait. Missed you." I smiled at her. "Okay." She Pecked my cheek before skipping over to Flo's trailer. I watched her go off admiring her hair, she still looked amazing.


"You should go view the school." She encouraged. "But it's in London." "I loved it, it was the best thing my grandparents did for me." She tells me. "You make friends for life, it's filled with amazing opportunities and you can go visit her on weekends she comes home for holidays." She kept listing off the positives and I listened. I told her Rose wanted to go to this school and she asked which one. I told her and her face lit up. "That's my school." She said excitedly. "Seriously Scar she was born for the stage."

"I know but she's my baby. My little girl, she'll be a million miles away from me." I pouted. "At least view it? Look around get a feel for the place. It's the biggest family." "I'll think about it." "Let me know if you're going. I'll come, introduce you to people." "You'd come?" I asked surprised. "Yeah as long as it didn't clash with filming." I smiled nodding. "I'll call and see if she can stay for a few days, we can explore, and I can visit my pop's." She suggested, "You're too good to her." "She's my little bestie. And the school is amazing!" She went on to tell me all about it.

It did sound like a good school, it still taught the normal classes like an academic school but it had extra classes for drama, music, they did instrument lessons, singing lessons, stage presence, directing, lighting all of the aspects.

By the end of dinner, I agree to a visit. We were going in the next break we both had a week falling at the same time in three weeks. She called the school whilst we were sitting there to talk to the principal and they agreed right away. "I can't wait to tell Rose," I say as we walked to our cars. "She's going to be so excited!" She smiled unlocking her car. "Pop's is looking forward to having us." "How far away is the farm from the school?" "Like an hour, but we'll get a hotel when we have Rose with us so we can be in the city. And actually do things." I nodded.

"I've missed this," I admitted. "Me too. It's my fault. I just got so wrapped up in Lizzie that I neglected our friendship." "I think me admitting whatever it was had something to do with it," I say not meeting her gaze. "We can share the blame." She chuckled making me feel better I nodded.

"I'm teaching this class next weekend, you should bring Rose along. It's a workshop for musical theatre." "Do I need to book her in?" "Nah, just bring her, I'll take her in with me." She really cares about Rose... It's refreshing. Some of the cast fail to remember I have a kid and pay her no mind. But Lottie does, it was nice. "Thanks." "Anyway, I have a 2 am call time so I'm going to bed." She opened her car door." "Yeah, I'm with you on that one."

My Twin Flame | Scarlett JohanssonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz