Special Thanks

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So this is it! It's finally over. I'm kinda sad that it's over. It was fun to write, even though it took like a year to finish. Fun fact: This is my first story that I've ever finished. Hopefully it won't be the last. Anyways! On to thank you's.

I'd like to say thank you to Taylor and Cassie from TwoWrit3rz. Without the help of these girls this story probably wouldn't have happened. They were the ones to push me to do this story and gave me the most advice on how to go about this story. Thank you very much girls. I know we haven't spoken in a while, but I do really appreciate everything you've done for me and my writing. Love you guys!!!

My next thanks us to my wonderful best friend Cami, who is my biggest critic and my editor with pretty much everything I write. Without her this story would be pretty shit. Thank you Butt Face for putting up with my mediocre writing and just generally being awesome.

Finally, a special thanks to everyone who read, voted, and commented. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you all took the time to read my story. I am blown away by how much you guys like it. So thank you everyone. You guys are so amazing :)

Goodbye guys! It's been fun and I hope everyone enjoyed Alone as much as I did.

~Celeybear xoxo

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