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After picking her up, Jungkook brought her for supper. By the time they returned home, it was nearly 12 pm.

Xin Lisa went into the room and saw Jeonsan sleeping deeply. She couldn’t help but touch his small little hand and whispered to Jungkook behind her, “Why don’t I quit my job?”

Jungkook who was distracted looked at her and said, “What?”

“The baby only recognizes you and me. If he ever cries again like today when both of us are away at work, what’s going to happen to him if we didn’t pay attention to our phones or didn’t come home in time?” Naturally, Xin Lisa knew how her child was like. If he started crying hard at night, then he definitely wouldn’t stop easily without them around to calm him down.

“He’s still young, it’ll be bad if he cries like this,” Xin Lisa added.

Jungkook’s face paled. Naturally, he knew this was bad, but he said, “Isn’t this career your dream? Besides, you’re currently on an upswing. Are you sure you won’t regret it if you resign?”

Xin Lisa looked at the child and said, “Maybe I will, but compared to work, I want to take care of my child.”

Jungkook was quiet for a moment. He walked forward and reached out to hold her slender waist and said, “Forget it. Let me make that sacrifice instead.”

“What do you mean?” Xin Lisa was surprised.

“Since someone has to be there at night to take care of the kid, I’ll do it. As for work, I’ll try to settle everything during the day.”

But how would Xin Lisa not be aware of the amount of stress he had to take on when he was in charge of such a large company?” No, let me do it. You have so many things to…”

“If you’re working overtime, I’ll rush back as soon as I can. But if not, I’ll just see how the situation’s like.”

This was the best way to do it. The two of them will work out their schedules.

Xin Lisa thought about it and knew that this was the best idea.

“Let’s do that, then,” she agreed.


“Jungkook, I just realized how difficult it is to be a parent to a growing child.” Even if you have a lot of elders to help take care of the child, you’ll still think about your child all the time during work, and be worried about whether something would happen to them.

“We’re still young, we can slowly learn how to become a good mother and father for the baby.”

Xin Lisa nodded. She turned slightly in his arms, smiling and looking at him for a long moment before reaching her arms behind his neck and kissing him with her eyes closed.

Jungkook wrapped her arms around her waist and lowered his head to match her, tangling their lips and tongues together.

Xin Lisa gasped at the eagerness of his kiss and reached out to give him a gentle punch on the shoulder.

Jungkook chuckled and loosened his hold. Squeezing her nose, he said, “Even though you seduced me first…”

Xin Lisa blushed and glared at him. Proudly, she denied, “I just gave you a kiss, you call that seducing you?”

“Isn’t it? Then what would you consider seduction?”

Xin Lisa was speechless. “At least…At least…”

Jungkook observed her face which was growing hotter and hotter. When he lowered his head to kiss her, he whispered, “I’ll be waiting for you to broaden my horizons.” Then, he smiled and added, “So don’t keep me waiting too long, Mrs. Jeon.”


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