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Xin Lisa lifted the corners of her lips. “I guess so. Well, I don’t think there’s much to say. I wasn’t raised in a happy family. You could say I grew up watching and listening to my parents argue, and sometimes, my father would even hit my mother. She stayed with him for my sake, but in the end, she was unable to bear it. They divorced after I took my college entrance exam.”

As he listened, his expression changed a little. He sat down beside her and took her into his arms.

She struggled to recall those familiar yet forgotten memories. “The financial situation of my family wasn’t the best. My father liked to eat, drink, and fool around outside. Sometimes, it would get so bad that not even the life and death of my mother and I mattered to him. Due to this, I genuinely cherished my opportunity to attend school. I studied hard, and when I got into college, I balanced several part-time jobs to make a living.”

As she said this, she laughed. “If you met me in that world, I doubt you would have paid any attention to me. I had no background, no ability, and no money.”

“You have so little confidence in yourself?”

“No, I just understand your arrogance too well.”

Jungkook: …

He decided to change the topic. “So when you were there, did you get into any relationships?”

She mulled over it before responding in a serious manner. “I was actually chased by quite a few people. In my second year of high school, there was a handsome classmate who liked me for several years. He finally confessed to me after our college entrance exams, but I had just received the news of my parents’ divorce. Naturally, I wasn’t in the mood to respond. He tried to contact me for several months afterwards, but I ignored him and he eventually stopped.”


“In college, there were also a few seniors who liked me. However, I was too busy to think about dating. My mind was just stuffed with thoughts about money.”

Jungkook remarked, “Fortunately, you were too busy. Otherwise, after comparing them to me, you would have realized how poor your vision was back then.”

“Hey! Jeon Jungkook!”

He clasped her left hand and rubbed the ring on her finger. “Don’t worry, the bad things have passed.”

She nodded. “Mhm, I know. It’s just… I still think about my mother a lot. I wonder how she’s doing now? Her health isn’t good, so she can’t work on her own. How is she living right now?”

And what about her original self? Did she die? Was she cremated? Her mother must have been very sad.

Jungkook didn’t know how to comfort her, so he said, “Don’t worry. I’m sure she’s just as strong as you."

“Mhm, I think so too.”

During dinner, Xin Lisa saw Xin Ten. Afterwards, when he went back to his study to make a call, she took advantage of the opportunity to follow him in.

He spent nearly 20 minutes talking on the phone before hanging up. Upon seeing his sister reading a book while patiently waiting for him, he was easily able to guess the reason for her visit.

“Mom and dad sent you here to spy?”

Xin Lisa laughed. “So, Brother. What do you think?”

He responded with one generous word: “Fate.”

“But if you don’t even pay attention to the opposite sex, how will you know if you’ve met your fated person?”

“Fate will find a way. If I don’t take the initiative, then she will.”

“So… you like girls who take the initiative?”

Xin Ten took a stack of papers from the desk and smacked her on the head with it. “You should focus on your own happy life. Don’t worry about my marriage matters!”

“How can I not? Brother, could it be that you already have someone on your mind, but she doesn’t like you so you didn’t want to tell us?”

“I think you’ve been together with Jungkook for too long. You’re so idle that the hole in your brain has grown bigger.”


“Shut up. Just let things play out on their own, and you should tell mom to stop worrying too.”

“Then you should find a girlfriend to soothe her worries!”

“If you keep talking, I’ll call Jungkook to take you back.”

She shot him a contemptuous glare. Hmph, you deserve to be single!

After Jungkook finished showering, he saw Xin Lisa return. She was clearly in a sulky mood. “You went to look for trouble?” he asked.

“I was sent by my mom.”

“Mom is just worrying too much. I actually feel very sorry for Xin Ten. He’s just like me in the past.”

“Tut-tut, as if that’s true.”

“Isn’t it?” He couldn’t understand why the older generation was so obsessed with forcing marriages on the younger generation. The Xin family was like that, the Jeon family was like that, and the Mo family was too.

“Heh. So, President Jeon, you should thank me for taking you in from the sea of miserable blind dates! Otherwise, you might really be like my brother right now!”

“Mhm, I am very grateful,” he agreed.


Jungkook picked her up and threw her on the soft bed. He had her pinned under his body before she could even react. “Still, I prefer to express my gratitude with actions rather than words.”

“Hey… mmhpf…”

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