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When she finished cooking, she swept up the dishes and carried them into the dining room. As she laid the dishes down, she looked at Jungkook and harrumphed. “I’ve figured out how the Lai family offended you.”

“Huh?” Jungkook, who was just about to pick up his chopsticks, suddenly froze. He wondered why his wife was still on this topic.

“Jungkook, it’s because you were involved with their beautiful young miss, isn’t it? And if I remember correctly, you and Miss Lai were even going to be marriage partners.”

Smiling, Jungkook went to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Wife, that was my mother’s lousy idea, not me. Didn’t I keep resisting until the end?”

“Heh, but I doubt it was that simple. Something else must have happened between the two of you, something so bad that you had no choice but to attack them. Otherwise, why would you go as far as to making a move against their entire family? Am I right?”


“Mhm, be good. Your wife is a little mad at you right now. Why did you have to go and provoke so many beauties?”



“I am not in the mood, Jungkook! You’re sleeping in the guest room tonight!

“Hey, wife…”

“Eat your food.”

Jungkook: …

After dinner, Xin Lisa waved her hand and sent Jungkook to wash the dishes. Eager to please, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and got to work. As he wiped away the grease from a bowl, he thought to himself: I need to find a way to coax my wife later. If it doesn’t work, I can just pick her up and solve it in bed.

Were there any problems that couldn’t be solved in bed? None!

Confident that he had come up with the perfect solution, Jungkook happily finished washing the rest of the dishes. Xin Lisa, who was sitting in the living room eating fruit, glanced in the direction of the kitchen and smiled unkindly.

When he came out of the kitchen, he saw his wife on the couch. Seemingly absorbed in a television show, it looked like she had no intention of talking to him.

“Wife, would you like to have some tea? I can brew it for you.”


“What about fruit then? I can go wash some.”

She gestured to the fruit plate on the glass table. ”There is still plenty in there.”

“Wife…” The rest of what he wanted to say was abruptly interrupted by the ringing of his phone.

Xin Lisa glanced over and saw that the caller was Zhuang Zhu.

Jungkook picked up his phone and wondered while looking at her, ”What is this guy calling me for?”

She turned her gaze away and ignored him.

The moment he picked up his phone and accepted the call, Jungkook found his ear bombarded by a jaring tumult of party music. It took him a few moments to figure out what Zhuang Zhu was saying: “If you’re a real brother, come out here and drink with me!”

“I’m with my wife.” After getting married, Jungkook seldom went out to play around with his friends. Though he didn’t go out much to begin with, one could still occasionally bump into him in a club or a bar. Now, it was nearly impossible to catch even a glimpse of his shadow!

Zhuang Zhu was in no mood to tolerate the dog food. “Damn! What’s so impressive about having a wife, huh? What do women count for anyway?!”

Jungkook frowned. Zhuang Zhu must be really drunk for him to speak like this. After thinking for a bit, he turned to Xin Lisa and told her, “I think something’s happened to Zhuang Zhu. I’ll go check on him.”

“Okay,” she agreed immediately.

Seeing that her previous attitude had softened a bit, Jungkook smiled and leaned over to press a kiss against her cheek. ”Wait for me to come back.”

“Stay safe.”


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