"NO! Please! We aren't here to fight! Just please, let us go! Let my father go! Take my life if you must, but leave him be!" Ambrose shouted, pleading for freedom. His attempts were unsuccessful.

"Shut up, you heathen! You and your pathetic father have murdered hundreds- thousands even- of our people in battle! You don't deserve our mercy, especially after you refused to give us mercy!" Her voice was cold.

"Ambrose, please, it isn't worth it. We can't survive this. I'm sorry, my son." Baron exclaimed, sorrow in his voice. "This is our end."

"Nononono, it isn't, it can't be! Please, ma'am, just let us go! I promise, we won't fight you any more! Just- please... I have too much to lose, I don't wanna die yet!" Ambrose shouted, hot tears streaming down his face.

"Why would heartless monsters like you have anything to lose?! You're pathetic. Lying for your freedom!"

"I'm not lying!" Anger was prominent in his voice as he shouted those words.

"Well, even if you aren't, I don't care. You and your family have still done too much damage to be forgiven!" she shouted, looking over to the masked individual beside her. "Continue with the trial, please."

"No, wait!" Ambrose wailed as a last attempt. The stranger nodded, heading over to where Baron sat, waiting for his end. They grabbed him by the collar, dragging him over to where the guillotine sat. After pushing his head down into the lunette, the figure locked it in place and prepared to drop the blade.

Ambrose looked frantically for a way to escape his bounds, praying to whatever holy beings that may be out there to help him just this once. He struggled ruthlessly, finally loosening the ropes just enough to escape his bounds. Running over to the stage where his father laid, he had only one goal. To stop whoever it was behind the mask. But right before he could reach the stage, the blade was dropped, rendering his attempt futile. As he watched it drop, so did his heart. His father's head was severed from his body, then falling into a basket below. He stopped in his tracks, unable to do anything but stand and stare. His thoughts ran wild, thinking of only one thing. He was next.

"Grab him!" Ambrose snapped back out of his thoughts, looking around frantically. He was too late. Two guards grabbed him by the arms, a third then coming up to retie the ropes. He struggled, but it was no use. As he looked over to where the guillotine sat, he saw a man dragging his father's body off of where it once was. He was next.

The guards dragged him over, the hooded figure pushing his head down into where his father once was. There was still blood there. He was next.

The figure locked him in place, preparing the blade once again. This was it. This was how it ended. His life was coming to an early end.

Memories flooded through his mind. Moss' sweet smile and high-pitched laugh, his sisters all hugging him, his mother bandaging up his wounds, his father playing catch with him, his cat, Pipsqueak, nipping at his hands for treats and cuddles... they would all be gone. He wouldn't see them again.

"I'm sorry..." he managed to whisper. The figure dropped the blade, ending him once and for all.

It was over...

"I was publicly executed in a rival town. A town we had so much history in." he concluded, sorrow clear in his tone. Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't know." Azriel muttered, completely speechless of its host's timely demise. It of course had heard more solemn stories of how previous hosts had died, but this was a whole new tale... perhaps it has to do with it being in a new region, or how he died at only 18.

"Don't apologize... any more questions?" Ambrose asked, trying to change the subject.

"I was gonna ask what you were doing before I had taken a physical form and presented myself to you, like in the asylum, but from what I remember..." Azriel started, trailing off near the end.

"Hm... yes, I suppose I should tell that another time rather than now. It does get quite dark." Ambrose replied, looking off into the ocean waters.

"Okay, whatever makes you more comfortable right now." There was once again silence.

The next four hours of the trip were quiet.



ANYWAY- I hope you enjoyed this extremely late piece of writing. I've actually got plans on how the story is gonna progress from here, so stay tuned for that! Stay safe, do your homework, and DON'T DIE!

Alright bye :3

Story word count: 1347 words

Total word count: 1407 words  

Tales of a Dead Man [OLD TITLE: Phantom SMP Lore (my perspective)]Where stories live. Discover now