Anarchy is a Friend I've Grown to Become Close with

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CW ~ Mental Health

We didn't have a lot in the way of supplies, just what Mister Joestar had left from our last exhibition. Luckily, we had plenty of water, but as far as food went, it was just some eggs, fruit, bread, and rice. I had eggs and rice for the third night in a row while I sat alone, away from the others. They gave me my space, which I needed, but I think I more so needed Jotaro beside me, telling me he forgives me and that we're going to be alright. But he never came to comfort me. He sat, sipping tea besides Polnareff while Mister Joestar tried to spoon-feed the baby.

Despite that overwhelming feeling I had, the feeling of an enemy stand nearby, I had to find a way to shake it if the four of us planned on continuing to work together as a team. Maybe I was imagining things; it's not impossible. I was still suffering from sunstroke after all. I continued to comfort myself with the rationalisation that I was safe. But it didn't last. In the instant that the baby was left unattended, my eyes glanced over to him. I watched him lying in his basket out of pure boredom, only perking up when I noticed a scorpion crawl into his basket. I stood up to alert the others that the baby was in danger, but before I could get a word out, he'd unfastened the safety pin from his diaper and stabbed straight through the scorpion's abdomen. It's shrivelled up died instantly, liking due to a viral organ puncture.

I audibly gasped. I was right. I had to be right. This couldn't be explained by coincidence; the baby was aware of what a scorpion was and that it was dangerous. He knew how to use a safety pin; he knew how to inflict pain on another creature, intentionally and with the motivation to fatally wound. By the size of him, he was less than a year old; it was impossible.

"Mister Joestar! I'm certain the baby is a stand user! I saw him! He—he killed a scorpion with a safety pin, I saw it!" I yelled out to the group. They all turned to me. I turned back to the baby, cowering in his basket.

"Don't listen to him; he's gone mad," Jotaro muttered as he swirled his tea in his mug.

"Hold on," Mister Mister Joestar interrupted. "Kakyoin, are you certain you saw this!"

"I'm certain!" I ran to the baby, picked up the basket and delivered it to Mister Joestar. He took the baby out. I began to search through the basket, taking out the blanket and pillow. "It's got to be here somewhere."

I searched it top to bottom; there was no scorpion. When I turned back to Mister Joestar, I found the baby snuggling into his chest. The man's eyes were frowning harshly down at me.

"We-we've got to check his clothes!" I reached for the child; Mister Joestar pulled away.

"Kakyoin, I think you should get some sleep. We'll talk about what we're going to do tomorrow."

"Talk about what?" I panicked. "We could be dead by dawn! You're not listening to me!"

"We'll talk about getting you home, okay. I have connections; I can try and guarantee your safety back to Japan without us." I watched the older man rock the baby in his left arm while his right reached for the spoon from the bowl of baby food he had prepared earlier. He tried to feed it to the child, but he wouldn't accept it.

I was growing tired, agitated. I knocked the spoon out of the man's hand. "Listen to me!" I shrieked.

"Kakyoin!" Polnareff called.

Jotaro said nothing; he looked at me as if he'd seen a ghost.

"I promise I'm not insane. I saw the scorpion! I know the baby is a stand user!" I rolled up my sleeve. "Look at this! This must be a warning! After we crashed, I woke up with it!" Everyone's attention was drawn to my arm:

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