I'm Perfection When it Comes to First Impressions

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CW - Swearing, Mention of Alcohol, Mention of Urination, Graphic Character Death.

I think the first time it dawned on me how serious our situation was, was when I found myself stranded in the eastern pacific - or was it the west? I guess it depends on how you hold the map. It had been the worst night's sleep to date. I sat upright in a lifeboat, shoulder to shoulder with Mister Avdol and Mister Joestar. The young stowaway girl - who was thirteen at most - sat across from me. I felt sorry for her, it was a real shame that she'd found herself in this situation, but at the same time, I would have liked some more space in the lifeboat. God knew where we were, somewhere in the Chinese occupied sea-space -hopefully- given we haven't drifted too far. With any luck, we'd simply wash up in Singapore. I'd lost a lot of my luggage when our ship went up in flames; I only had what was on me. My passport and my wallet. I'd lost my clothes and several other essentials I was nervous about departing with, but given I'd almost lost my life -again- I couldn't spend too much time thinking about it. Once we got to Singapore, maybe I could make some phone calls, send a telegram even, there would be a place to do that surely. I could get something replaced; otherwise, I'd have to be adaptive.

My head hurt as night became morning; the sunrise was right in my eye-line. The ocean wind was cool; I stuck my hands in the pockets of my jacket. Mister Joestar, in his striped tank top, didn't even shiver. All that muscle must have protected him from the chill. I did 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats every day to keep my physique and could only dream of looking like this guy. Given, I hadn't been able to keep up my routine recently, the chaos that has ensued on our journey has taken all my energy. If I knew it was going to be like this, I would have stayed in Tokyo. However, as tough as it had been, I was surprisingly optimistic, almost enjoying myself. I had a difficult past, and falling to Dio's curse only made things more intense. At home, I'd be as miserable as ever. Going to school, coming home, doing my homework, going to sleep, doing it all over again. I wasn't nervous, just cautious, cautious of the trouble I could get into if I put myself out there too much. I suppose that flesh-bud changed my whole perspective, or perhaps I'd just grown so tired of my mediocre life. I'd worked too hard, I'd overcome too much, like hell I was going to turn down the opportunity to save the world. I guess, in a way, acquiring my stand was the best thing that ever happened to me. - maybe.

I'd spent the sunrise with my eyes closed, just thinking, perhaps trying to rest, although I was nervous that if I fell asleep, I'd fall backwards and into the ocean. I heard the young girl who was travelling with us call out. "Look!" I opened my eyes, it was foggy at first, but then I saw it. A giant freighter. I was too tired to be excited, but deep inside, I sighed a sigh of relief. Although the ship was travelling away from land, at least if we could climb aboard, we'd be able to ditch the life rafts. Luckily, the freighter lowered its stairs, so I guess that was our invitation to come aboard. I followed Polnareff, despite Jotaro's concerns about the lack of crew on deck to greet us. I agreed it was suspicious, but we were out of options; I physically couldn't float all the way to Singapore. Once aboard, we didn't stay together long; everyone split up. Mister Joestar and Jotaro went to explore the ship. Avdol stayed on the front of the deck, as did many of the last ship's crewmembers, and I have no clue where Polnareff and the girl went. When I felt as though nobody was paying attention to what I was doing, I snuck below deck to find a bathroom or at least a dark place.

I broke into a fast walk and began jetting around the ship. After several dead ends, I was almost going to give up hope and just find a corner but the very next left I took lead me to the bathroom. I relaxed my face; what a relief. The bathroom was spotless, brand new even, another suspicious sign, but I ignored it and locked myself in the first stall. I unbuttoned my trousers pulled them to just above the knee, and sat. I sighed heavily as I began to piss. I'd been holding it since yesterday afternoon, during our fight with Dark Blue Moon. The salt had made me thirsty, not to mention Jotaro snuck us some beers aboard to have on the ship, back when we thought it was going to be a relaxing cruise to Egypt. I usually wouldn't have taken him up on it, but this was Hong Kong; they'd probably be relaxed with teenagers drinking given they were foreigners; I know that's how it is in Japan, no drinking age for tourists. Jotaro had told me before things kicked off that back home that depending on the liquor store, sometimes all he needed to do was flash his blue eyes and speak in an accent, and the shopkeeper might look the other way. "Looking much older helps too, I think." He'd said, as if he was realising it for the first time.

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