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"Are you nuts? I can't go anywhere further than Hogwarts, not to mention with the TWO of them at the same time!"

Minho looked at Seungmin as if he had lost his mind. Apparation will be harder to perform with the increased amount of users.

Besides the user focusing in their mind on a desired place, the limitation of the choice of destination is unclear.

It is most likely that the wizard or witch could only Apparate to somewhere they had seen or been to before. Which might explained why Minho couldn't go far into the muggle's world, as he had never been there before.

"Look hyung, the train home from Hogwarts is departing tonight right? If you get there in time, they both will be safer in their own world", the younger Slytherin suggested.

By now, all of them know that there are not much time left before Minho's mother started making her way up to the room so they have no choice but to do what were told.

And with the sounds of someone's footsteps from the stairs, it's enough to alert all four boys in the room.

"Go! She must have sensed their presences already! Now!"

The desperate wailing of Seungmin showed them how much he cares for his muggle-born friends that it made Jisung's and Jeongin's heart swollen a little.

Never would they know that there are wizards that would care so much for them like this.

But enough with the sentimental talk, Minho grabbed both the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff boys and dragged them somewhere further from the door.

The younger Slytherin signaled them to get going now as he watched over the hallway. 'I'll cover for you', he mouthed to the older.

Minho just nodded and nudged the younger two with him. "Close your eyes", he lowly said, not wanting the approaching woman to hear and began the apparition again.

And there it was, the feeling of being twisted and shrank during the transportation. Jisung could feel his eyeball being forced to the back of his skull by how tight he felt.

When they arrived right in front of the Hogwarts Express train, both Jisung and Jeongin stumbled back, holding either their stomach or their head.

"I would have much prefer the broomstick better..", the Ravenclaw managed to let out before coughing roughly.

He tensed for some moment when he felt someone's touch on his back as he thought that they were already caught by the death eaters Seungmin was talking about.

Then he calmed down once again when he realized it was just Minho caressing his back, trying to soothe his dizziness.

"Yeah, sorry about that, but you'll get used to it over time"

Jeongin walked over to the pair and latched himself onto Jisung. "I think we should go now hyung, the train is departing", he said, trying to collect himself.

It was obvious that the Hufflepuff is having much more troubles with apparition than Jisung does.

The three of them boarded the train quickly, keep turning around while doing so in case someone was following them.

And indeed there was.

Minho knew his mother's men well, they are also just a bunch of the you-know-who's supporters, by the way they radiated their magic alone already made him noticed that there was a few guys trailing for him and the two muggle-borns.

"Shit, they're here.. How the fuck are they here?", the older Slytherin cussed under his breath, not wanting to make the boys panic as well.

Unfortunately, the boys did hear and panicked, just what he didn't want to happen. "What?! Hyung, what are we going to do!?"

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