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A few weeks since then, the sixth year Ravenclaw haven't seen the older Slytherin who always make it his daily mission to bother him after that.

Not a single glimpse of his nose could be caught by Jisung, it was as if he completely vanished even though he didn't.

How did he know that? Maybe it's because of the way Seungmin kept complaining about a certain someone who kept on hiding his robe in the Slytherin's common room.

It seems like Jisung wasn't the only victim of Minho's petty act, since there's plenty of other people who voiced out their complains as well.

Most of them however, were not muggle-borns but pure wizards and witches, so why would Minho bother them?

"Hey Sung, packed your bags for the week already?", someone greeted suddenly from behind, snapping the dazed Ravenclaw out of his thoughts.

He was startled but still shook his head afterwards, indicating a no. "Why not?", another one asked and by now, you have guessed it, it's the crack friend group of his.

"I'm not going back home this week", he answered simply.

It's been two month since the new year started and it's time for their February half term holiday. Most of the Hogwarts students have done packing their luggage, ready to go home to meet their families. 

That short answer didn't seem to satisfied any of them so Changbin ask, "Yeah but why? Aren't you going to see your parents?"

"They're probably busy working, school holidays doesn't mean that the adults also have the break too"

This seems to shut them all up from questioning further. Never had Jisung stay at Hogwarts for the holiday, even if his parents were busy, that's why they were a bit weirded out.

"You can always come over to my house if you want?", the older Gryffindor tried to offer, not wanting the Ravenclaw to be left alone here.

But Jisung was persistent and rejected the offer. He already made up his mind and it's too late to change it now as tomorrow, the students will be send back home for the week.

"If you need anything just.. I don't know, apparate to us I guess?"

"Yeah, isn't that a charm or something? The last time I tried it, I ended up in the wrong part of Diagon Alley"

Jisung and the others burst out laughing as a group at Felix's silliness. They all know how the Australian boy is not the brightest of the bunch but he make it up by his cuteness.

And just like that, comes the day where the sixth year Ravenclaw has been left all alone after rejecting so many invitations from his friends.

He doesn't know exactly how many students are left in Hogwarts but he can see a few of them walking around in the hall so he knows that he's not alone.

His plan for the week was to only do some revisions in the library since that's the only way to release his tension from waiting his O.W.L.s results from last year.

But that all changed once he went outside of Hogwarts Castle, about to read his book in peace at the spot that he and his friends always hang out at.

Looking towards the Forbidden Forest in front of him, he summarized his memories from his second year, the time when he and the others went in there to save Jeongin. 

They got into massive troubles because of that and each of their house points were taken away, resulting to other students giving them the side glares from time to time.

Since then, he never stepped foot into the forest again.

That doesn't mean he had stop his mind from wondering what's really inside of the forest by the way. As a Ravenclaw, it's natural that his curiosity always gets the best of him.

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