Chapter Thirt Six

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
It was now Christmas Break and I was packing enough things for when I leave and headed to see what Aunt Minerva was up to and by the time I got to her classroom, she was at her desk grading exams, “hey Auntie, more grading I see” I said as I walked up to her, “yes dear, I unfortunately won’t be able to be home for Christmas this year, so I’ll give you your present early” she said as she got up and headed to the back of the room to get it and came back with two wrapped items in her hand, “here you go dear, I really hope that you like it” she said and I soon began to open it to see that it was a photo album and a polaroid camera and I smiled as I looked up at Aunt Minerva, “thank you Aunty, I love it, this is great, now I can put all of the photos without frames in here now” I said to her as I hugged her, “I’m really glad you like it dear” she said as she kissed my cheek, “now you get going and get to Remus, I’m sure he’s waiting for you” she said and before I walked out the door I turned to face her again as I remembered that I had brought her present with me, “before I forget, I have something for you as well” I said as I handed it to her and she opened it to reveal a book by her favourite Author Jane Austen, “Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, why thank you dear I love it” she said and hugged me again, “I’ll see you when you get back alright dear, be safe and thank you again for the book dear” she said and I waved goodbye and soon made it to Remus’s home and as soon as I walked in after knocking to see that he was in the kitchen and I quietly walked in and put my stuff down before walking up behind him until he quickly turned around and pinned me against the counter and  smirked, “hello my love” I said as I hugged him, “hello darling” he said into my neck as he gently kissed it and I moaned a little before he rested his forehead against mine, “I’ve missed you darling” he said as we looked into each other’s eyes, “I’ve missed you two my love” I sad back to him with a smile, “how are you feeling, you look tired” I said concerned, “I’m alright love, just the full moon is close, that’s all” he said with a light smile before kissing me gently and he lifted me onto the counter, “are you sure you want to do this, I just don’t want you to exhaust yourself” I said caressing his cheek and he sighed, “maybe we should wait, we’re going to the Wesley’s soon, and besides I want to ask you something later when we get back home” he said and I nodded until he realized that he said home and I began to think about moving in with him until I was brought out of my daze when I heard him speak up, “everything alright Love” he asked and I nodded with a smile and we soon began to get ready for the Weasley’s place and when we were ready, we soon left his cozy cottage and made our way to there.

By the time we finally made it to the Burrow and we soon knocked on the door as it soon opened to reveal Mrs. Weasley as a smile appeared on her face, “Geneveieve dear it’s so good to see you and you to Remus, I’m glad you two could make it. Come in, come in” she said and we both walked into the house, “Hi Molly, it’s good to see you two” I said as we soon seen Harry was here as well, “hey Harry” I said as I waved and he did the same as he sat with Ron and Ginny and I went to look for Fred and George to see they were in the kitchen, “what do you think you’re doing” I said as they quickly turned to see me standing behind them and I chuckled to myself to see that they had bread in their mouths, “nothing” they both said at the same time and I continued to laugh as they ate the bread that was in their mouths, “I would be surprised if your mother tried to kill you if she saw you two like this” I said to them as we walked into the dining room after hearing Mrs. Weasley calling for everyone that it was time to eat, as did everyone else as we all sat down at the table and we all ate and had a few laughs and I held Remus’s hand under the table the entire time and Fred and George had told me how their Joke shop was doing and I was surprised that it was doing so well considering what happened in Diagon Alley during the summer and from the corner of my eye, I could see Remus staring at me and I smiled to myself before turning to face him, “what” I asked continuing to smile at him, “nothing, you’re just beautiful” he said with a smile and I can feel myself blush a little as a smile grew on my face also and we continued to eat and talk for a while longer until we all finished eating for the night and everyone just hung out with one another until Harry walked up to Remus, “hey Remus and Genevieve, do you mind if I talk to the both of you in Private” he asked and I nodded, “Ya sure” I said and both Remus and I got up from our seat and followed Harry into the other oom to see Mr. Wesley sitting on a one of the chairs that’s in the room, “Is everything alright Harry” I asked and he sighed, “it’s about Snape and Malfoy” he said and I furrowed my brows, “what about them Harry” Remus asked, “I overheard the two of them talking in one of the halls at school about something called an Unbreakable Vow and that Draco Malfoy was chosen to do something by someone whom I’m assuming has to be Voldemort” he said and I just looked at Remus, “Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission” Remus said, “I know it sounds mad” Harry said to him, “has it occurred to you Harry that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so he can find out what he was up to” Remus said, “that’s not what it sounded like” Harry said as if he was sure about it, “but if it involves Snape doing an unbreakable Vow, than it must be serious, especially if you break it” I said before he soon spoke up after me, “it comes down whether or not you trust Dumbledore’s Judgment, Dumbledore Trusts Snape and therefore I do” he said and I sighed, “Dumbledore can make mistakes, he said so himself” Harry said, “your blinded by hatred” Remus said raising his voice, “I’m not” Harry said, “yes you are” Remus said soon after, “Remus” I said and he looked at me and soon calmed down, “people are disappearing Harry, daily. We can only place our trust in a handful of people, if we started fighting amongst ourselves, we’re doomed” Remus said and I placed my hands over my face and rubbed my eye before standing up and walking out of the room without saying a word and sat in another room alone for a short while before I saw Remus walk in, “I’m sorry I raised my voice and you know why” he said as he sat down next to me, “it’s alright, I understand it’s just, I’m scared about all of this” I said as I laid my head on his shoulder and felt him wrap his arm around me, “I know darling, so am I” he said as he gently kissed the top of my head and we stayed like that for a while longer before finally get up and leaving the room,

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