Chapter Thirty: Half Blood Prince

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Genevieve’s P.O.V
It was now the next day and both Aunt Minerva and I were getting ready to leave for Hogwarts and by the time either of us were finished getting ready to leave, “are you ready dear” I heard Aunt Minerva say as I walked down the stairs, “yup, I’m ready Aunty” I said as I made it to the bottom of the stairs with my things in hand and we had soon left the house by Floo Network and soon made it to the Castle and we walked around looking for Professor Dumbledore to later find him in his offices with the rest of the Teachers, “good day you two, glad to see that you have arrived safely” Dumbledore said as he sat at his desk and I waved, “now that everyone one is here, we have to new members of staff this year, Horace Slughorn and Genevieve McGonagall as some of you may already know her as you have had her as a student as she is now an assistant and may help you with things you may need help with” Dumbledore said and he soon continued, “now throughout the day, you may do as you will and prepare for the week ahead for your classes other than that, that is all I have to inform you about when classes start and before you all go, dinner will be served in your quarters tonight” he told us and just as I walked out with Aunt Minerva, we were soon stopped by someone and we turned to see it was the new teacher, “well hello Horace, how are you” Aunt Minerva said with a smile, “I’m quite well thank you, I came to introduce myself to miss Genevieve here and I presume you already know my name” he said as he raised his hand and I shook it, “it’s nice to meet you sir” I said with a smile, “oh please call me Horace but I must ask, are you two related” he asked as let stopped shaking hands and looked at Aunt Minerva, “yes we are, she’s my niece” she told him with a smile on her face, “that’s nice, well it was nice meeting you Genevieve and it was nice to see you Professor” he said as he walked away, “he seems nice” I said as I walked with Aunt Minerva, “yes he is a good man, now we should find where your Quarters will be so that you can unpack your things” she said as we walked to where the teachers Quarters were and soon found where I will be sleeping, “come see me when you’re finished alright dear” she said and I nodded, “alright Auntie” I answered with a smile and she soon left to probably do the same and I sighed to myself as I looked around the room as I began to miss having to wake up next to Remus as I remember all the time I had spent with him not to long ago with a smile on my face and I soon brought myself out of my thoughts when I began to unpack my things and made the room the way I wanted it. 

After a while I had finally finished putting everything away and I had decided to leave the room and walked around until someone needed help with something until Professor Slughorn came up to me, “hello Genevieve good to see you again, do you mind helping me for a few minutes if you will” he asked and I smiled, “ya sure, that’s what I’m here for” I said with a chuckle and we both went to the Potions classroom and I helped him organize a few things while he prepared some kind of planner for the week and we both talked every few minutes, “so what house were you in when you attend Hogwarts Genevieve” He asked as I turned around from the shelf, “I was in Gryffindor, how about you” I said as he put down his pencil, “I was in Slytherin” he answered with a smile as it looked like he was remembering his time here and we continued to talk until he didn’t need me anymore, “well Genevieve, I think this should do it. Thank you for your help” he said as I helped him finish putting away a few things on the shelves, “alright, well if I don’t see you later, I hope you have a good first day tomorrow” I told him and he smiled, “thank you and you as well” he said and I soon left the room and continued to walk the corridors as a few other teachers like Aunt Minerva as I helped her clean up a few things, Professor Trelawney as I helped her set up her class for when classes start, Mr. Filch as I helped clean a few places in the school that needed cleaned and had brought a few things to the Room of Requirement as it was now being used as pretty much a storage room and I later helped Professor Snape set up a few things for his first class now that he’s finally teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts and soon headed out to see how Aunt Minerva was doing as I had knocked on her bedroom door, “come in” she said as I opened the door to see that she was having a cup of tea as she read a book, “what are you reading” I asked as I went to sit down with her, “Macbeth, it’s a really good story” she said as she put the book down after putting a bookmark in and taking off her glasses, “how was your day dear” she asked as she clasped her hands together, “it was pretty good, I’m glad that I didn’t have to leave here for good” I said and we both chuckled, “I felt the same way when I was offered the teaching job” she said as it looked like she was looking back on the memory, “you know, i was Quidditch Captain when I played on the Gryffindor team” she said as she continued to tell me stories about the times she had attending Hogwarts until it was almost time for dinner, “well you should head back to your room, dinner should be arriving soon” Aun Minerva said and I soon got up from my seat and we hugged each other, “goodnight dear and sleep well and early tonight alright” she said as she patted my cheeks, “I will Aunty” I said and I soon walked out of the door and headed back to my room for the rest of the night.

Not long after I walked into my room, there was a knock on the door and I soon opened the door to see a House Elf standing on the other side with a tray in its hands, “hello, thank you very much” I said as I gently grabbed the tray from its hands, “you’re welcome Miss. Genevieve, Tilly is glad to serve you” she said and I smiled, “thank you Tilly and please, just Genevieve is alright and have a good night” I said as I continued to smile and she had done the same, “goodnight” she answered back before walking away and I soon closed the door and went to sit down at a desk that I had in the room and and soon began eating while wrote a letter to Remus mainly to see how he was doing and mention how I was doing and that I miss him already and began to read a book that I had brought with me when I finished writing the letter and sent it with my Owl as I continued eating. Later that night after I had finished eating, I had gotten washed up and changed for the night and I had just continued to read as I drank a cup of tea and when I finished reading for the night. After getting into bed later that night, I began to think about what Remus said when he mentioned about having a baby and it might being a Werewolf like him I mean I’m sure that he wants kids someday but I know he’s worried or scared about it becoming like him and I would be worried to but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love it any less and after sometime of thinking about it I slowly began to fall asleep.

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